An ESP32 and an ePaper Display reads Open Weather Map and displays the weather
For standalone use, download the ZIP file to your desktop.
Go to Sketch > Include Library... > Add .ZIP Library... Then, choose the ZIP file.
After inclusion, Go to File, Examples and scroll down to 'ESP32-e-paperWeather-display' and choose your version/screen size. Make sure to come back to this dialog from time to time to keep each library up to date. Also make sure that you only have one version of each of the libraries installed.
Also see:
- Mini Grafx by Daniel Eichhorn
- Arduino JSON (v6 or above) by Benoît Blanchon
Download the software to your Arduino's library directory.
From the examples, choose depending on your module either
- Waveshare_1_54
- Waveshare_2_9
- Waveshare_4_2
- Waveshare_7_5 (instead of Mini Grafx requires GxEPD2 library, which needs Adafruit_GFX, additionally requires U8g2_for_Adafruit_GFX)
- Waveshare_7_5_T7 (the newer 800x480 version; above is 640x384)
Obtain your OWM API key - it's free
Edit the owm_credentials.h file in the IDE (TAB at top of IDE) and change your Language, Country, choose your units Metric or Imperial and be sure to find a valid weather station location on OpenWeatherMap, if your display has all blank values your location does not exist!
Save your files.
NOTE: See schematic for the wiring diagram, all displays are wired the same, so wire a 7.5" the same as a 4.2", 2.9" or 1.54" display!
The Battery monitor assumes the use of a Lolin D32 board which uses GPIO-35 as an ADC input, also it has an on-board 100K+100K voltage divider directly connected to the Battery terminals. On other boards, you will need to change the analogRead(35) statement to your board e.g. (39) and attach a voltage divider to the battery terminals.
Compile and upload the code - Enjoy!
7.5" 800x480 E-Paper Layout
7.5" 640x384 E-Paper Layout
4.2" E-Paper Layout
1.54" E-Paper Layout
**** NOTE change needed for latest Waveshare HAT versions ****
The GxEPD2 code that needs to be modified,
Scroll down to line 69 you will see the reset function there, the delay used is 20mS not 2mS. You can adjust your library file to try it out, make a back up first then reduce the 20 to 2mS
Until the GxEPD2 code is modified this is a required fix.