- sign in/sign up by email/password
- create/update/delete projects
- add/update/delete tasks to projects
- prioritise tasks into a project
- choose deadline for my task
- mark a task as 'done'
- add/delete coments to my tasks
- attache/delete files to coments
- It should be a WEB application
- For the client side must be used: HTML5, CSS3, Twitter Bootstrap, JavaScript, AngularJS, jQuery.
- For server side Ruby on Rails.
- It should look like on screens (see attached file ‘rg_test_task_grid.png’).
- It should work like one page WEB application and should use AJAX technology, load and submit data without reloading a page.
- It should have user authentication solution and a user should only have access to their own projects and tasks (Devise, Cancancan).
- It should have automated tests for all functionality (models - RSpec, controllers - RSpec, acceptance/functional tests - RSpec + Capybara).
- sign in/sign up by Facebook
- It should have client side and server side validation.