Implemented with HAL Lib.
Notice that I have ported two version of DMP driver, one in the master branch from TI implementation, another from Arduino I2Cdev. I recommend the I2Cdev one for a more completed featured and better code organization, with the cost of binary size.
- Put ./Source/MPU6050 into your source folder, say, 'src' and place ./Include/MPU6050 into your header folder. ATTENTION: Keep header files in MPU6050 folder under your include path.
- Modify ./Include/MPU6050/I2C.h to meet your need.
Redefine hi2cMPU6050 to the I2C_HandleTypeDef object which communicates with MPU6050.
Decide which HAL header files to use. For STM32F4 user:
#include <stm32f4xx_hal_def.h> #include <stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h> #include "stm32f4xx_hal.h"
Enable or disable "diag/Trace.h".