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Damien edited this page Aug 30, 2019 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the ezSQL wiki!

To get started with ezSQL, head over to the Installation and Usage page for detailed instructions.

To learn about how to use ezSQL, please check out the quick examples, or else head to the documentation page

If you're having trouble getting ezSQL to work, read the troubleshooting guide.

To report bugs in ezSQL, use the issue tracker and please include code to reproduce your problem. You can always ask questions on and tag them with ezsql, but please search SO first as there are many, many questions answered already, and chances are your question may have been asked before.

About ezsql

ezSQL is a library/widget that makes it very fast and easy for you to use database(s) within your PHP scripts, supporting ( MySQL / PostgreSQL / Microsoft SQL Server / SQLite3), and the PDO equivalents.

  • It is one php file that you include at the top of your script. Then, instead of using standard php database functions listed in the php manual, you use a much smaller (and easier) set of ezsql functions and methods.
  • It automatically caches query results and allows you to use easy to understand functions to manipulate and extract them without causing extra server overhead.
  • It has excellent debug functions making it lightning-fast to see what’s going on in your SQL code.
  • Most ezsql functions can return results as Objects, Associative Arrays, Numerical Arrays or Json Encoded.
  • It can dramatically decrease development time and in most cases will streamline your code and make things run faster as well as making it very easy to debug and optimise your database queries.
  • It is a small class and will not add very much overhead to your website.

Note: It is assumed that you are familiar with PHP, basic Database concepts and basic SQL constructs.

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