This module has been DEPRECATED. It has been replaced by tp classes inside the new psick_profile module.
This module provides classes to install different applications via Tiny Puppet (tp).
- Description
- Setup - The basics of getting started with tp_profile
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
This module provides a set of standard classes to handle different applications, on different Operating Systems, using Tiny Puppet defines. These classes are automatically generated, using the commands in the scripts
directory, and share a common set of parameters and the same functionality
When you include a tp profile the relevant application package(s) and service(s) are managed.
Via additional class parameters you can manage:
- If to use the upstream application repos or the underlying OS ones to install the package (relevant tinydata must be present)
- The application's configuration files, in the shape, format and way you want
- Whole directories related to the applications. Source of these dirs can be a Puppet fileserver source or a vcsrepo.
Just include and tp profile to install the relevant application. Handle via Hiera all your customisations
To install mongodb, for example, just:
include tp_profile::mongodb
Then you can configure the class parameters via Hiera (all the classes have the same parameters, so what's written here for mongodb applies to all the supported application):
To use mongodb upstream repos, rather than the default one of the underlying OS (note, this option works when it's present the relevant tinydata to manage upstream repos for a given app):
tp_profile::mongodb::upstream_repo: true
To include the class but actually don't manage any of its resources:
tp_profile::mongodb::manage: false
To remove the resources previously installed via the same profile (note this is different than manage option, here resources are actually managed, and removed):
tp_profile::mongodb::ensure: absent
To customise the tp::install options of the relevant application:
cli_enable: true
test_enable: true
To override tinydata settings:
package_name: my_mongo
To define the configuration files and dirs to manage:
tp::conf: # Here an hash of tp::conf resources # This refers to an apache configuration file called
base_dir: conf # and placed in the conf.d dir
template: psick/apache/vhost.conf.erb # It uses the template apache/vhost.conf.erb in the psick module
options_hash: # where are used the following variables
AddDefaultCharset: ISO-8859-1
apache::deny_git.conf: # This is another configuration file, called deny_git.conf
base_dir: conf # This is placed, as well, in the apache conf.d dir
source: puppet:///modules/psick/apache/deny_git.conf # Its source is from the psick module as well
tp::dir: # Here we have an hash of tp::dir resources
vcsrepo: git # We expect the source to be a git repo
source: [email protected]:alvagante/ # This is the source git repo
path: /var/www/html/ # This is the actual path of the directory
ensure: latest # This ensures that whenever Pupept runs, it syncs to upstream master on the git repo (Continuous Delivery done easy)
By default a tp profile automatically manages any resource needed to install the relevant application (package repos, other packages of tp installs). In case of duplicated resources or if you want to manage such resources by yourself, you can disable any form of automatic dependencies management with:
tp_profile::mongodb::auto_prereq: flase
TP profiles are just classes that act as entrypoint for Hiera data that allows you to manage any applciation which tp can manage. They just handle package and service resources, in tp::install, and file resources, in tp::conf.
No other application specific resource is handled by these classes, and, unless you use the auto_conf settings, you are in full control of the configuration files to manage: you must know how to configure the applications you install via tp profiles.
Don't find the app you need among the tp_profiles? Let us know, we will add the relevant tinydata and generate a profile for it.
Have found issues, bugs or anything to fix? Open a ticket or submit a Pull Request.
Do you have any feature request? Open a ticket.