Dialog for PHP is a binding for the dialog (program to display dialog boxes from shell scripts) made in PHP.
Dialog for PHP follows a relatively well-defined usage pattern:
#1 Instantiate common options;
#2 Create an instance of the widget with your specific options;
#3 Create the dialog instance;
#4 Execute the dialog; and
#5 Do something with the result.
There are two ways to define the options for each dialog: in the instance of common options and the widget; Or at run time, after the instances of the option classes have been created.
When creating a Common or Box instance, the options can be provided in an array of type option => value, where option corresponds to the desired option, exactly as it appears in the dialog documentation. For example, to define the --backtitle "My dialog example", the following key / value pair must be included in the array of options: backtitle => "My dialog example". To use the --extra-label "Button name" option, we use extra-label => "Button name"
You can also set options after you have created instances of classes, following the following format:
--backtitle = "My dialog example" -> $ obj-> backtitle = "My dialog example"
--extra-label "Button name" -> $ obj-> extra_label = "Button name"
Options such as --extra-button or --nocancel should receive Boolean values to activate them.
The widget controls only require the required parameters according to the desired widget, except width and height that are always set to 0. To change width or height, use $ obj-> width and $ obj-> height.
The --begin option originally receives two integers (y, x), but its assignment must be in the form of an array [y, x].
Some widgets need specific options that are implemented through helper classes, such as --menu and --radiolist, for example.
Due to the complexity of using --gauge, --mixedgauge and --progress, these widgets have an unusual form of use (see the examples for implementation and usage details).
All widgets extend the Box class and adopt exactly the same name as the dialog option, but with the first capital letter, for example --buildlist becomes Buillist ().
- Improve documentation
Everton da Rosa
This software is distributed through the MIT License.