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This service is an implementation of the Archive Service described in the CCSDS Recommendation Mission Operations Common Object Model CCSDS 521.1-B-1. It uses the High level MAL GO API available here.

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Using the Archive Service

If you want to see the Archive Service in action, click here and run this project.

Use of the provider

// Variable that defines the ArchiveService
var archiveService *ArchiveService
// Variable to retrieve the error
var err error
// Create the Archive Service
archiveService = archiveService.CreateService().(*ArchiveService)

// Start the providers
err = archiveService.StartProvider("maltcp://")

if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Error:", err)

Use of the consumer


The retrieve operation retrieves a set of objects identified by their object instance identifier. In our service it can be used in that way:

// Variable that defines the ArchiveService
var archiveService *ArchiveService
// Create the Archive Service
service := archiveService.CreateService()
archiveService = service.(*ArchiveService)
// Variable that defines the ArchiveService
var objectType = ObjectType{
	Area:    UShort(2),
	Service: UShort(3),
	Version: UOctet(1),
var identifierList = IdentifierList([]*Identifier{NewIdentifier("fr"), NewIdentifier("cnes"), NewIdentifier("archiveservice"), NewIdentifier("test")})
var longList = LongList([]*Long{NewLong(0)})

// Variables to retrieve the return of this function
var archiveDetailsList *ArchiveDetailsList
var elementList ElementList
var errorsList *ServiceError
var err error

// Start the consumer
archiveDetailsList, elementList, errorsList, err = archiveService.Retrieve(consumerURL, providerURL, objectType, identifierList, longList)

// Check errors
if err != nil {
    // Do Something
} else if errorsList != nil {
    // Do something else


The query operation retrieves a set of object instance identifiers, and optionally the object bodies, from a list of supplied queries. The PROGRESS interaction pattern is used as the returned set of data may be quite large and this allows it to be split over several MAL messages. A simple way to use this operation:

// Variable that defines the ArchiveService
var archiveService *ArchiveService
// Create the Archive Service
service := archiveService.CreateService()
archiveService = service.(*ArchiveService)

// Create parameters
var boolean = NewBoolean(true)
var objectType = ObjectType{
	Area:    UShort(2),
	Service: UShort(3),
	Version: UOctet(1),
archiveQueryList := NewArchiveQueryList(0)
//var domain = IdentifierList([]*Identifier{NewIdentifier("fr"), NewIdentifier("cnes"), NewIdentifier("archiveservice"), NewIdentifier("test")})
archiveQuery := &ArchiveQuery{
	Related:   Long(0),
	SortOrder: NewBoolean(true),
var queryFilterList *CompositeFilterSetList

// Variables to retrieve the return of this function
var responses []interface{}
var errorsList *ServiceError
var err error
// Start the consumer
responses, errorsList, err = archiveService.Query(consumerURL, providerURL, boolean, objectType, *archiveQueryList, queryFilterList)

// Check errors
if err != nil {
    // Do Something
} else if errorsList != nil {
    // Do something else


The count operation counts the set of objects based on a supplied query.

// Variable that defines the ArchiveService
var archiveService *ArchiveService
// Create the Archive Service
service := archiveService.CreateService()
archiveService = service.(*ArchiveService)

var objectType = &ObjectType{
	Area:    UShort(2),
	Service: UShort(3),
	Version: UOctet(1),
archiveQueryList := NewArchiveQueryList(0)
var domain = IdentifierList([]*Identifier{NewIdentifier("fr"), NewIdentifier("cnes"), NewIdentifier("archiveservice"), NewIdentifier("test")})
archiveQuery := &ArchiveQuery{
	Domain:    &domain,
	Related:   Long(0),
	SortOrder: NewBoolean(true),
var queryFilterList *CompositeFilterSetList

// Variable to retrieve the return of this function
var longList *LongList
var errorsList *ServiceError
var err error
// Start the consumer
longList, errorsList, err = archiveService.Count(consumerURL, providerURL, objectType, archiveQueryList, queryFilterList)

// Check errors
if err != nil {
    // Do Something
} else if errorsList != nil {
    // Do something else


The store operation stores new objects in the archive and causes an ObjectStored event to be published by the archive.

When new objects are being stored in an archive by a service provider the archive service provider is capable of allocating an unused object instance identifier for the objects being stored. The returned object instance identifier should be used by the service provider for identifying the object instances to its consumer to ensure that only a single object instance identifier is used for each object instance.

In our case, this operation can be used in that way:

// Variable that defines the ArchiveService
var archiveService *ArchiveService
// Create the Archive Service
service := archiveService.CreateService()
archiveService = service.(*ArchiveService)

// Start the store consumer
// Create parameters
// Object that's going to be stored in the archive
var elementList = NewValueOfSineList(1)
(*elementList)[0] = NewValueOfSine(0)
var boolean = NewBoolean(true)
var objectType = ObjectType{
	Area:    UShort(2),
	Service: UShort(3),
	Version: UOctet(1),
var identifierList = IdentifierList([]*Identifier{NewIdentifier("fr"), NewIdentifier("cnes"), NewIdentifier("archiveservice")})
// Object instance identifier
var objectInstanceIdentifier = *NewLong(81)
// Variables for ArchiveDetailsList
var objectKey = ObjectKey{
	Domain: identifierList,
	InstId: objectInstanceIdentifier,
var objectID = ObjectId{
	Type: &objectType,
	Key:  &objectKey,
var objectDetails = ObjectDetails{
	Related: NewLong(1),
	Source:  &objectID,
var network = NewIdentifier("network")
var timestamp = NewFineTime(time.Now())
var provider = NewURI("main/start")
var archiveDetailsList = ArchiveDetailsList([]*ArchiveDetails{NewArchiveDetails(objectInstanceIdentifier, objectDetails, network, timestamp, provider)})

// Variable to retrieve the return of this function
var longList *LongList
var err error
var errorsList *ServiceError
// Start the consumer
longList, errorsList, err = archiveService.Store(consumerURL, providerURL, boolean, objectType, identifierList, archiveDetailsList, elementList)

// Check errors
if err != nil {
    // Do Something
} else if errorsList != nil {
    // Do something else


The update operation updates an object (or set of objects) and causes an ObjectUpdated event to be published by the archive.

// Variable that defines the ArchiveService
var archiveService *ArchiveService
// Create the Archive Service
service := archiveService.CreateService()
archiveService = service.(*ArchiveService)

// Start the update consumer
// Create parameters
// ---- ELEMENTLIST ----
// Object that's going to be updated in the archive
var elementList = NewValueOfSineList(1)
(*elementList)[0] = NewValueOfSine(0.5)
// ---- OBJECTTYPE ----
var objectType = ObjectType{
	Area:    UShort(2),
	Service: UShort(3),
	Version: UOctet(1),
	Number:  UShort((*elementList)[0].GetTypeShortForm()),
var identifierList = IdentifierList([]*Identifier{NewIdentifier("fr"), NewIdentifier("cnes"), NewIdentifier("archiveservice"), NewIdentifier("test")})
// Object instance identifier
var objectInstanceIdentifier = *NewLong(1)
// Variables for ArchiveDetailsList
var objectKey = ObjectKey{
	Domain: identifierList,
	InstId: objectInstanceIdentifier,
var objectID = ObjectId{
	Type: &objectType,
	Key:  &objectKey,
var objectDetails = ObjectDetails{
	Related: NewLong(1),
	Source:  &objectID,
var network = NewIdentifier("")
var fineTime = NewFineTime(time.Now())
var uri = NewURI("main/start")
var archiveDetailsList = ArchiveDetailsList([]*ArchiveDetails{NewArchiveDetails(objectInstanceIdentifier, objectDetails, network, fineTime, uri)})
// Variable to retrieve the return of this function
var errorsList *ServiceError
var err error
// Start the consumer
errorsList, err = archiveService.Update(consumerURL, providerURL, objectType, identifierList, archiveDetailsList, elementList)

// Check errors
if err != nil {
    // Do Something
} else if errorsList != nil {
    // Do something else


The delete operation deletes an object (or set of objects) and causes an ObjectDeleted event to be published by the archive. A simple way to use this operation:

// Variable that defines the ArchiveService
var archiveService *ArchiveService
// Create the Archive Service
service := archiveService.CreateService()
archiveService = service.(*ArchiveService)

var objectType = ObjectType{
	Area:    UShort(2),
	Service: UShort(3),
	Version: UOctet(1),
var identifierList = IdentifierList([]*Identifier{NewIdentifier("fr"), NewIdentifier("cnes"), NewIdentifier("archiveservice"), NewIdentifier("test")})
var longList = NewLongList(0)

// Variable to retrieve the return of this function
var respLongList *LongList
var errorsList *ServiceError
var err error
// Start the consumer
respLongList, errorsList, err = archiveService.Delete(consumerURL, providerURL, objectType, identifierList, *longL

// Check errors
if err != nil {
    // Do Something
} else if errorsList != nil {
    // Do something else