All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
documents_search_list | GET /documents-search/ | Search documents |
InlineResponse2002 documents_search_list(opts)
Search documents
Search interface for fast (autocomplete) searching of documents. This can be useful to have your users search for a document in your interface. Document names are tokenized on whitespace, hyphens and underscores to also match partial document names. Normal search: - ?q={{query}} Autocomplete search: - ?autocomplete={{partial query}} Search in document name: - ?name={{query}} Available (extra) filters: - ?subdomain={{ team_subdomain }} or use this endpoint with (when not provided only personal documents are shown) - ?signer_emails={{ [email protected] }} (will filter documents that an email needed to sign/approve) - ?status={{ si }} - ?who={{ mo }} To include multiple values for a filter field separate the values with a pipe (|). For example to only search for completed documents use status=se|vi (sent and viewed). Pagination: - ?page={{ page_number: default 1 }} - ?limit={{ limit results: default 10, max 100 }} Format: By default json is returned, to export data as csv or xls use the format parameter. - ?format=csv - ?format=xls For csv and xls the data can also be exported with each signer on a separate row. In this mode also the signer inputs that have an external_id specified on a tag will be exported. All external_id's found will be exported as columns. To use this mode add the signer_data parameter. - ?format=csv&signer_data=1 - ?format=xls&signer_data=1 Note that all documents are only ordered by created (newest first) when q, autocomplete or name are not used, else they are ordered by the strenght of the match.
# load the gem
require 'signrequest_client'
# setup authorization
SignRequestClient.configure do |config|
# Configure API key authorization: Token
config.api_key['Authorization'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
#config.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
opts = {
page: 56, # Integer | A page number within the paginated result set.
limit: 56, # Integer | Number of results to return per page.
q: 'q_example', # String | Normal search query
autocomplete: 'autocomplete_example', # String | Partial search query
name: 'name_example', # String | Document name
subdomain: 'subdomain_example', # String |
signer_emails: 'signer_emails_example', # String | Email needed to sign/approve
status: 'status_example', # String | `co`: converting, `ne`: new, `se`: sent, `vi`: viewed, `si`: signed, `do`: downloaded, `sd`: signed and downloaded, `ca`: cancelled, `de`: declined, `ec`: error converting, `es`: error sending, `xp`: expired
who: 'who_example', # String | `m`: only me, `mo`: me and others, `o`: only others
format: 'format_example', # String | Export format, can be `json` (default), `csv`, or `xls`
signer_data: 8.14 # Float | Set to `1` to export with each signer on a separate row
#Search documents
result = api_instance.documents_search_list(opts)
p result
rescue SignRequestClient::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling DocumentsSearchApi->documents_search_list: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
page | Integer | A page number within the paginated result set. | [optional] |
limit | Integer | Number of results to return per page. | [optional] |
q | String | Normal search query | [optional] |
autocomplete | String | Partial search query | [optional] |
name | String | Document name | [optional] |
subdomain | String | [optional] | |
signer_emails | String | Email needed to sign/approve | [optional] |
status | String | `co`: converting, `ne`: new, `se`: sent, `vi`: viewed, `si`: signed, `do`: downloaded, `sd`: signed and downloaded, `ca`: cancelled, `de`: declined, `ec`: error converting, `es`: error sending, `xp`: expired | [optional] |
who | String | `m`: only me, `mo`: me and others, `o`: only others | [optional] |
format | String | Export format, can be `json` (default), `csv`, or `xls` | [optional] |
signer_data | Float | Set to `1` to export with each signer on a separate row | [optional] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json, text/csv, application/