An resource for ESX that adds movie theaters around San Andreas. Plently of shows are available to be enjoyed.
- davedumas0, original resource
- Mr Reiben, ported to ESX
- ElPumpo, major improvements & cleanup
Resources drawing 2d text on hud will appear in the cinema screen. To fix the problem, this resources comes with event triggers.. that trigger whenever the player leaves & enters the theater. The two trigger names are the following:
Find the following
if NetworkIsPlayerTalking(PlayerId()) then
drawLevel(41, 128, 185, 255)
elseif not NetworkIsPlayerTalking(PlayerId()) then
drawLevel(185, 185, 185, 255)
And replace it with the following:
if NetworkIsPlayerTalking(PlayerId()) and not inCinema then
drawLevel(41, 128, 185, 255)
elseif not NetworkIsPlayerTalking(PlayerId()) not inCinema then
drawLevel(185, 185, 185, 255)
Then somewhere within the same file, add the following:
inCinema = false
AddEventHandler('esx_cinema:enteredCinema', function()
inCinema = true
AddEventHandler('esx_cinema:exitedCinema', function()
inCinema = false