[Brief Objective] The primary objective of this project is to configure and manage network traffic on a Linux system using iptables, a powerful firewall tool integrated into the Linux kernel. The project aims to establish a robust security framework that controls incoming and outgoing network traffic, enhancing the overall security posture of the system. Overall, this project provides a comprehensive approach to configuring iptables, addressing the need for a secure and well-managed network environment.
• Learnt how to set default policies, create specific rules for various services, and enforce security protocols. • Gained hands-on experience in configuring iptables to manage network traffic. • Learned to use iptables to protect systems from unauthorized access and potential threats. • Acquired knowledge of packet filtering techniques. • Improved proficiency in using command-line tools to configure and manage firewall settings.
• Iptables: Core tool for managing firewall rules. • Text Editor: nano or vim for editing configuration files. • Networking Tools: netstat, nmap, tcpdump for testing and analysis.