A library to cache precalculated properties of biomedical entities on remote infrastructure (DynamoDB) and locally (sqlite3).
This repository provides an interface to the precalculated data available from the Ersilia Model Hub. At the moment, Isaura is focused on chemical descriptors.
git clone https://github.com/ersilia-os/isaura.git
cd isaura
conda env create -f env.yaml
conda activate isaura
pip install -e .
Create an IsauraLocalClient
to store pre calculations fetched from the Ersilia Model Hub locally
from isaura.service.client import IsauraLocalClient
# This will initialize a local sqlite3 database at ~/.local/eos/isaura_local.db
local_client = IsauraLocalClient()
# Insert precalcs in bulk
local_client.insert([precalc for precalc in precalcs])
If you are looking for the old isaura version to locally store precalculations in .h5 format, please use the release v0.1
Once Isaura is installed, you can start using Isaura Clients to fetch pre calculations from the Ersilia remote server and store them in your local cache. First create an IsauraRemoteClient
to fetch pre calculations from ersilia
from isaura.service.client import IsauraRemoteClient
# Initialize the user client with the API url
# Find the url for Ersilia Precalc API [here]
remote_client = IsauraRemoteClient(url = [Ersilia Precalc API URL])
# Client returns a `ResponseBodySchema` object
resp = remote_client.get_all_precalcs()
precalcs = resp.items
Please look at sections below for more detailed examples and documentation of the programming API.
Remote client interacts with remote cache to perform read functions. Find the programming API below.
from isaura.service.client import IsauraRemoteClient
# Initialize the user client with the API url
# Find the url for Ersilia Precalc API [here]
remote_client = IsauraRemoteClient(url = [Ersilia Precalc API URL])
# Client returns a `ResponseBodySchema` object
resp = remote_client.get_all_precalcs(last_eval_key=None)
precalcs = resp.items
# If last_eval_key is not `None` then more data is available
# pass last_eval_key to `get_all_precalcs` function to get rest of the data
last_eval_key = resp.last_eval_key
# Get precalc by id
resp = remote_client.get_precalc_by_id(precalc_id="")
precalc = resp.items[0]
# Get precalcs by model id
resp = remote_client.get_precalcs_by_model_id(model_id="")
precalcs = resp.items
# Get precalc by input key
# A model id list is required
resp = remote_client.get_precalcs_by_input_key(model_id_list=[], input_key = "")
precalcs = resp.items
Local client interacts with local cache to perform read, write and delete functions.
from isaura.routes.schemas.common import Precalc
from isaura.service.client import IsauraLocalClient
# Local database can be created at a custom path
# Defaults to ~/.local/eos/isaura_local.db
local_client = IsauraLocalClient(db_path=[path to db])
# Reset the local database
# Use the Precalc class to create precalc objects
precalc = Precalc(model_id = "model id", input_key = "input key", value = {"out" : "model output value"})
# Insert precalcs in bulk
# Delete precalc in bulk with precalc ids
precalcs = local_client.get_all_precalcs(page = 0, limit = 100)
# Get precalc by id
precalc = local_client.get_precalc_by_id(precalc_id="")[0]
# Get precalcs by model id
precalcs = local_client.get_precalcs_by_model_id(model_id="")
# Get precalc by input key
precalcs = local_client.get_precalcs_by_input_key(input_key = "")
Admin client interacts with remote cache to perform insert and delete functions. An AWS account with permissions to isaura dynamo table is required to use admin client.
You can skip this section if you only want to fetch precalculations hosted by Ersilia.
from isaura.routes.schemas.common import Precalc
from isaura.service.client import IsauraAdminClient
admin_client = IsauraAdminClient()
# Use the Precalc class to create precalc objects
precalc = Precalc(model_id = "model id", input_key = "input key", value = {"out" : "model output value"})
# Insert precalcs in bulk
# Delete precalc in bulk with precalc ids
This section explains how to host your own aws infrastructure for remote cahce (Do you want to host your own DynamoDB and pay for it?).
If you just want to use the pre calculations hosted by Ersilia then you can skip this section.
- Python >=v3.7
- Nodejs >=v18.12.1
conda env create -f env.yaml
conda activate isaura
is used for creating lambda layers used by lamda function on aws.
Do not use this virtual envirinment for anything else.
# ! This is important. Do not use conda or any other venv alternatives
python -m venv .venv_prod
npm install
# build isaura package for prod env
python -m build
# activate prod venv and install packaage
source .venv_prod/bin/activate
pip install dist/[lastest built wheel]
# This is required so that our lambda functions can use isaura package
This only needs to be done once for an aws account.
npx cdk bootstrap
npx cdk deploy
This repository is open-sourced under the GPL-3 License.
The Ersilia Open Source Initiative is a Non Profit Organization (1192266) with the mission is to equip labs, universities and clinics in LMIC with AI/ML tools for infectious disease research.