This is a repository intended to serve as a starting point if you want to bootstrap a google cloud function project in TypeScript.
- TypeScript (v4)
- ts-node-dev
- Prettier
- ESLint with:
- Jest with DOM Testing Library
- GitHub Action workflows set up to run tests and linting on push
- Javascript best practices
- Javascript testing best practices
- Google Cloud Functions deployment options
# install commitizen
npm i -g commitizen
# run prettier watcher (run in another terminal)
yarn prettier:watch
# add all changes to repository and create bew commit
yarn commit
# configure project to create new commit
git cz
# install dependencies
# run in dev mode on port 3000
yarn dev
# generate production build
yarn build
# run generated content in dist folder on port 3000
yarn start
yarn test
# run linter
yarn lint
# fix lint issues
yarn lint:fix