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Eric M. Dantas edited this page Jun 12, 2018 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the wiki!

Generator ng-Fullstack is a project to allow you to rapidly get started with developing, client, server or full-stack web applications, with the newest technologies available. Based of Yeoman, this is the next generation of full-stack generators.

There are many other generators out there, but they are often out of date and don't reflect the newest technologies. We plan to keep this going strong and updated!

Getting Started

$ npm install -g yo generator-ng-fullstack

then to create a new app:

$ yo ng-fullstack

and answer the on-screen questions. When it's done, you should have this structure. The default starter project is our Todo app.

For full guidance on setting up the dependencies and generating your first app, see Getting Started. We also have a range of other resources to help you familiarise yourself with this project.

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