Fetches ten hot wallpapers from www.reddit.com/r/wallpaper and downloads them to a folder
This code specifically, but simplly, does as follows in this order:
- Logs into reddit and fetches the first 256 'hot' posts from /r/wallpapers
- Deletes ALL .jpg files in folder it is placed in (Would reccomend making a separate folder for this script)
- Checks that the posted pictures are at least 1080p and then puts their URLs in a list
- Downloads all pictures from their URLs in the list
-Download this file and put it in a NEW directory that you want to put 10 wallpapers into
-Create a praw.ini file with your reddit developer crudentials (Visit https://praw.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started/configuration/prawini.html#praw-ini for more information)
-Set your wallpaper to be a slideshow of pictures from your directory and run the script!