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Sanya Boriskin edited this page Aug 5, 2019 · 7 revisions

Powerful data-table with support for scoped-slots, sorting and pagination. Works with the static data as well as in the api mode (server-side pagination).

  no-data-label="Nothing to display, sir!"
  <template slot="actions" slot-scope="props">
    {{ props.rowData }}


  • fields - Array - column definitions.
  name: 'name',
  title: 'Name,
}, {
  name: 'email',
  title: Email,
}, {
  name: '__slot:actions', // <- make the cell customizable via scoped slot
  dataClass: 'text-right',
  • data - Array - data to generate the table from.
  • perPage - Number (default: 6) - number of records per page.
  • totalPages - Number - total number of the pages in apiMode.
  • rowClass - Function - apply specific row class conditionally.
  • apiMode - Boolean - if false - pagination and sorting are controlled by the table itself (static data mode), if true - pagination and sorting are controlled by the user (dynamic data mode).
  • noPagination - Boolean - hide pagination.
  • clickable - Boolean - make row clickable.
  • hoverable - Boolean - highlight row on hover.
  • noDataLabel - String - text placeholder for when the table is empty.
  • loading - Boolean - display loading overlay.

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