This is a fully working Entando Bundle for recreating the Standard Demo Experience.
Just install this using entando-component-manager >= 6.3.0
This bundle was 95% generated using entando-bundle-cli and extracting most components from the following environment:
$ entando-bundle from-env \
--env env.json \
--code standard-demo-bundle \
--description "Standard Demo Bundle"
"coreBaseApi": "",
"k8ssvcApi": "",
"clientId": "entando-bundle-cli",
"clientSecret": "<insert_secret_here>"
or use the interactive command to execute the cli interactive version:
$ entando-bundle
? What do you want to do? Create a new bundle using components from an environment
? Please select an env.json file with the environment variables: env.json
? Which type of components do you want to add to the bundle? All components
Collecting all components from the provided environment...
? Do you want to generate the Bundle with the selected components? Yes
? Where do you want to generate the Bundle? ./
? What's the code for the Bundle? standard-demo-bundle
? Please add a description to the Bundle: Standard Demo Bundle
Generating bundle...