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NoSQL Topic

Liz Howard edited this page Jun 7, 2018 · 1 revision

The NoSQL topic has had some planning and outlining done, but no one has created any of the content yet.

Proposed Courses



  • Write queries to find, insert, update, and delete documents
  • Write queries to aggregate data across multiple documents
  • Write queries to find data from multiple documents

Source Materials (From MongoDB)


  • Introduction to Mongo
    • What is MongoDB?
    • Installing the Mongo Client
    • Connecting to a Mongo Database
  • Finding a Document by direct property match
  • Finding a Document with matchers
    • $gt & $lt, etc
  • Finding multiple Documents in a collection
  • Finding an Embedded Document
  • Querying Arrays in Documents
  • Querying Embedded Arrays
  • Using Text Search to find Documents
  • Using Geospatial Queries to find Documents
  • Filtering columns and limiting result count in a result set
  • Inserting Documents into a Collection
  • Updating Documents
  • Deleting Documents
  • Aggregation pipelines
  • ?

MongoDB Administration


  • Create Data Models in MongoDB
  • Configure a MongoDB Server for Development or Production
  • Configure monitoring on a MongoDB server
  • Configure Indexes in MongoDB
  • Configure Backups for MongoDB
  • Configure Sharding in MongoDB

Key-Value Stores


  • these need to be cleaned up

  • Connect to a key-value store

  • Set the value of a key

  • Find values by their keys

    • Find exact key matches
    • Find keys by pattern
    • Search the whole key space
  • Use data structures

  • Fetch multiple keys

  • Set multiple keys

  • Write an idempotent transaction that modifies multiple keys

  • Analyze the performance characteristics of a key value store



  • Get someone to help write graphQL standards
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