- Create Maven project with webapp archertype in Esclipse
- Setup POM file
- Change JDK version (Servlet 3.0 require JDK 6+)
property withspring-webmvc
property withspring-security-web
dependency (must compatible withspringframework
version, may be different)spring-security-taglabs
dependency: access user id and roles in JSPjavax.servlet-api, javax.servlet.jsp-api, jstl
dependency: support Servlet, JSP and JSTLjaxb-api
dependency: compensate for Java 9+ not including jaxbmaven-war-plugin
plugin (GAV)mysql-connector-java
dependency: JDBC driver to connect to databasecom.mchange.c3p0
dependency: setup database connection pool
- Create Spring MVC Configuration class
- @Configuration
- @EnableWebMvc (<=>
) - @ComponentScan with
- Define a bean for View Resolver
- Create Spring Dispatcher Servlet Initializer extends AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer
- Configure
returns to Spring MVC Configuration class. - Configure
for character separating different parts of a URL, normally/
- Configure
- Create Controller class
- @Controller
- @RequestMapping, @GetMapping, @PostMapping
- Create 'view' folder in
to contain all JSP pages - Create JSP page [home.jsp]
- Run project on server to test Spring MVC
- Create Spring Security Initializer extends
[SecurityInitializer] - Create Spring Security Configuration class
extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
[SecurityConfig]- @Configuration
- @EnableWebSecurity
- Override
to add users for authentication
- Run project on server to test Spring Security
- Create database schema and tables (preferred schema for Spring Security)
with usename (PK, varchar), password (varchar), enabled (tinyint)authorities
with username (FK, UNI, varchar), authority (UNI, varchar) withROLE_
- Create JDBC properties file in
(to inject the properties in Configuration files later, not hard-coding) [persistence-mysql.properties] - Define DataSource in Spring MVC Configuration with @PropertySource
- Inject Enviroment to hold data properties with @AutoWired
- Define DataSource object bean
- Create connection pool
- Set the JDBC driver
- Set database connection properties
- Set connection pool properties
- Update Spring Security Configuration to use JDBC
- Inject DataSource with @AutoWired
auth.jdbcAuthentication().dataSource(<data source>)
- Modify Spring Security Configuration to reference custom login form by overriding
. [SecurityConfig] - Create a controller request returning to the custom login form [LoginController]
- Create customer login form
- Spring MVC form tag:
<%@ taglib prefix="form" uri="http://www.springframework.org/tags/form"%>
(to post username and password to the Authentication) - JSTL:
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"%>
(to get the error message)
- Spring MVC form tag:
- Add logout function
- Add logout support to Spring Security Configuration [SecurityConfig]
- Add logout button to JSP page [home.jsp]
- Update login form to display logout message [styled-login-page.jsp]
- Display user info
- Spring Security JSP Tag Library:
<%@ taglib prefix="security" uri="http://www.springframework.org/security/tags"%>
- Display user name:
<security:authentication property="principal.username"/>
- Display user roles:
<security:authentication property="principal.authorities"/>
- Spring Security JSP Tag Library:
- Restrict access based on roles:
[SecurityConfig] - Custom Access Denied Page
- Configure page path in Security Configuration file with
[SecurityConfig] - Create supporting controller code and JSP page [access-denied.jsp] [LoginController]
- [!] Internal browser of Eclipse does not display Custom Access Denied Page
- Configure page path in Security Configuration file with
- Display content based on Roles:
<security:authorize access="hasRole('<role>')">
- 📌 [Maven] If
are not availalbe, go to Build Path -> Order and Export -> Choose JRE and Maven Dependencies. - 📌 [Esclipse] Select override method: Right click -> Source (Alt+Shift+S) -> Override methods
- 📌 [Server] Change Context Root (Context Path) to resolve duplicate name app on the server: Properties -> Web Project Settings.
- ℹ️ [JSP]
automatically adds CSRF tokens - ℹ️ [Spring Security] Password formats in Spring Security 5:
- noop: plain text
- bcrypt: BCrypt hashing, 60 characters (prefer)
- ℹ️ [Maven] Resources in
will be automatically copied to classpath during Maven build - 📌 [Server] Project properties (Alt+Enter) -> Project facets -> Runtimes: Tomcat
- 📌 [Maven] Update Maven project (Alt+F5)
- 📌 [Maven] Change Servlet 2.3 (generated by archertype webapp) to Servlet 3.0, to use
- Modify web.xml
- Close project and delete it from the workspace (don't delete files on the disk)
- Delete .project and .classpath files and .settings directory from the project folder
- Re-import project: Import -> Existing Maven Project
- Clean the server