Aaram is a unique typeface with pizzazz and also got the geometric & neutral appearences. This font supports Tamil and Latin. Primarily designed for the screen usage but it'll make the print, awesome too. Slightly condensed design of Aaram makes it particularly effective for space economizing. It has been conceived to be most suitable for all types of texts blocks and headings. Aaram is highly legible and quite versatile and it performs nicely in small sizes.
Fun Fact: Shape of this font, derived from the different radius in a circle & curves in a rectangle, thus Aaram is a Tamil word, which litereally means radius.
You can grab the ttf file from the build folder in this repository and install it on your systems.
Here is how you can help and contribute to the development of Neythal font.
Tell me about any bugs you find, or enhancements you would like to see
Contribute directly to the font. Complete set of source files are available in this repository as UFO files.
Send us bug reports, feature enhancements or glyph requests, using the Github Issue Tracker.
Copyright (c) 2014, Tharique Azeez (http://niram.org)
Aaram is licensed under the SIL Open Font License v1.1 (http://scripts.sil.org/OFL)