Program for testing GTE instructions.
The program is intended to be run from a CD-ROM. It includes the source code (PsyQ 4.6 is required for compilation), an executable file and a ready-made image for burning to CD-ROM.
And what use cases would this program even have?
- Check how GTE instructions are executed with different set opcode bits on different CPUs. (those that are usually preset to certain values)
- Check the emulator with a real console.
- Use as a template to create similar utilities for other PSX tests.
Controls in the program:
- Left, Right - Change the bit number of the register
- Up, Down - Select register
- SELECT - Choice between Data and Control registers
- R1, R2 - Selecting the instruction bit number
- L1 - Increase the bit of the selected register by 1
- L2 - Increase the instruction code bit by 1
- START - Starts a GTE instruction to execute.
Before executing an instruction the program updates the GTE registers, and executes the selected instruction. If the instruction is not a GTE instruction it is not executed. Once executed, all GTE registers are copied back for display on the screen.
A list of known GTE instructions (bits):
| 0 1 0 0 1 0| OP2 |SF| MX | V | CV | LM | 0 0 0 0| OP1 |
RTPS cop2 0x0180001 = 0100.10 10.0001. 1000.0000.00 00.00 00.0001
NCLIP cop2 0x1400006 = 0100.10 11.0100. 0000.0000.00 00.00 00.0110
OP cop2 0x170000c = 0100.10 11.0111. 0000.0000.00 00.00 00.1100
DPCS cop2 0x0780010 = 0100.10 10.0111. 1000.0000.00 00.00 01.0000
INTPL cop2 0x0980011 = 0100.10 10.1001. 1000.0000.00 00.00 01.0001
MVMVA cop2 0x0400012 = 0100.10 10.0100. 0000.0000.00 00.00 01.0010
NCDS cop2 0x0e80413 = 0100.10 10.1110. 1000.0000.01 00.00 01.0011
CDP cop2 0x1280414 = 0100.10 11.0010. 1000.0000.01 00.00 01.0100
NCDT cop2 0x0f80416 = 0100.10 10.1111. 1000.0000.01 00.00 01.0110
NCCS cop2 0x108041b = 0100.10 11.0000. 1000.0000.01 00.00 01.1011
CC cop2 0x138041c = 0100.10 11.0011. 1000.0000.01 00.00 01.1100
NCS cop2 0x0c8041e = 0100.10 10.1100. 1000.0000.01 00.00 01.1110
NCT cop2 0x0d80420 = 0100.10 10.1101. 1000.0000.01 00.00 10.0000
SQR cop2 0x0a00428 = 0100.10 10.1010. 0000.0000.01 00.00 10.1000
DCPL cop2 0x0680029 = 0100.10 10.0110. 1000.0000.00 00.00 10.1001
DPCT cop2 0x0f8002a = 0100.10 10.1111. 1000.0000.00 00.00 10.1010
AVSZ3 cop2 0x158002d = 0100.10 11.0101. 1000.0000.00 00.00 10.1101
AVSZ4 cop2 0x168002e = 0100.10 11.0110. 1000.0000.00 00.00 10.1110
RTPT cop2 0x0280030 = 0100.10 10.0010. 1000.0000.00 00.00 11.0000
GPF cop2 0x190003d = 0100.10 11.1001. 0000.0000.00 00.00 11.1101
GPL cop2 0x1a0003e = 0100.10 11.1010. 0000.0000.00 00.00 11.1110
NCCT cop2 0x118043f = 0100.10 11.0001. 1000.0000.01 00.00 11.1111
Known glitches and flaws:
- No highlighting of the selected register bit and instruction;
- In version 0.1 I forgot to set the COP2 Usable bit in the STATUS register.
- In version 0.2 the controller is adequately handled.
- The version 0.3 (thanks to @edgbla) has no jittery buttons and proper screen resolution.
Comments: To compile the program change the paths in BUILD.BAT and MAIN.INL, then run BUILD.BAT, then run CONVERT.BAT in DOSBox.
org. Last Modified: 20 Jul 2011