- Simple news feed application in Swift for iOS 15.4
- I made this app in four different architectures:
Dependency injection
Clean Swift
- View a list of the given news articles
- Mark favorite articles for quick access later
- View only favorite news articles
- Open an article on the web
- Share article on the friend
- API: https://newsapi.org
- Realm
- RealmSwift
- Toast-Swift
- Alamofire library will be used
- Kingfisher library will be used
- MVVM architecture will be used
- Unit && UI test will be used
Home Screen | Search Component |
Detail Screen | Share Component |
Webview Component | Favorites Screen |
The app uses CocoaPods to manage dependencies, so be sure and complete the following steps to build and run the app.
git clone https://github.com/eminsaygi/news-feed-app.git
pod install
(If you do not have CocoaPods installed on your machine, check this out.)
open NewsFeedApp-AppCent.xcworkspace
In Xcode, select a simulator or your device and then click the "play" button to build and run.