This plugin provides additional settings for user authentication mechanism in Liferay.
- Maximum number of simultaneous sessions for each user, by default 0, which is means session count is unlimited.
Can be configured in with key auth.user.max.session.count=2
0 value disables session count limit
Also can be configured for each user separately through additional fields of user. Setting specified for user overrides global setting.
- Restrict user access allowing to login only from specified IP addresses
Each user configured from Control panel through additional fields. Supported values are IPv4 and IPv6 single values, range values or CIDR notation, for example:
- Allow to user work with system only for specified period of time
This option also available in additional fields of user within Control panel. To apply this option to work, you should set attribute 'Access by date enabled' to True
- These settings can be applied at company level.