Welcome to Minesweeper, a console-based game.
This game was coded by Matteo Ciocci as a school project. It is based on the Lanterna Google Library version 3.1.1.
By playing this game, you agree that your game data, including:
- username
- score
- game time
may be sent to the leaderboard for competition purposes. Your privacy is important for us, and your data will be handled securely.
- Use the arrow keys to move up and down.
- Press the Enter key to choose an option.
- To exit a menu, press Escape.
- Navigate the grid with the 4 arrow keys.
- Press Enter to uncover a cell.
- Press "F" to flag a cell.
- To win you need to flag all mines correctly.
If you uncover a mine you can respawn up to 3 times if you have enough score.
The game repository can be found here.
The game backend, where data gets sent to, can be found here.
To play the game, you need to launch the compile.py
script found in the main directory. Make sure you have Python and Java installed, with Python 3 and Java 19 being the recommended versions.