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Repository files navigation

Elegant PHP objects doctrine

PHP implementation of Elegant Objects.

This is a theory. All code examples are abstract.

Table of contents


Try to stay under 250 lines and lower.

Try to create 5 or less number of public methods.

Use small interfaces, one object can implement a number of them.

Objects must be very cohesive (their methods and properties should be close to each other).

Try to encapsulate 4 or less objects in one object.

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Always use interfaces

Make sure that all public methods in your class is an implementation of an interface.


  • Bad
interface Foo
    public function bar(): void;

class DefaultFoo implements Foo
    public function bar(): void {}

    public function baz(): void {}
  • Better
interface Bar
    public function bar(): void;

interface Baz
    public function baz(): void;

final class Foo implements Bar, Baz
    public function bar(): void {}

    public function baz(): void {}

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Composition over inheritance

Make classes final or abstract. Make abstract class methods final (don't override abstract class methods).

Extend types(interfaces and abstract classes) only.


  • Bad
class Foo
    public function baz()
        // foo implementation

    public function quux()
        // foo implementation

class Bar extends Foo
    public function quux()
        // bar implementation
  • Better
interface Baz
    public function baz(): void;

interface Quux extends Baz
    public function quux(): void;

interface Foo extends Baz, Quux

final class DefaultFoo implements Foo
    public function baz()
        // foo implementation

    public function quux()
        // foo implementation

final class DefaultBar implements Bar, Baz
    public function __construct(
        private readonly Foo $foo
    ) { }

    public function baz()

    public function quux()
        // bar implementation

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Each class should have a unit test.
Unit test names should shows what objects really do.

Each interface should have a fake object.
Use fake objects instead of mock and stub objects.


  • Bad
class SaveCommentTest
    public function testWithValidUser()
        $userRepository = $this->createMock(UserRepository::class);
            ->willReturn(new User(/* some data */));

        arrest_that($this->saveCommentService->save($userRepository, 'message'));
  • Better
interface PgSqlUser
    public function userById(IntegerType $id): User;

class PgSqlFakeUser implements PgSqlUser
    public function userById(IntegerType $id): User
        return $this->user;

final class PutCommentActionTest implements TestCase
    public function susscessful(): void
            (new PutCommentAction(new PgSqlFakeUser(), 'message'))->succsessful()

        // the same with temporal coupling:
        // $user = new PgSqlFakeUser();
        // $action = new PutCommentAction($user, 'message');
        // arrest_that($action->succsessful());

    public function failed(): void
            (new PutCommentAction(new PgSqlFakeUser()))->succsessful()

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Low coupling, high cohesion

Temporal coupling

Try to write code where each line is independent, otherwise replacing the lines will cause a syntax error.


  • Bad
final class DefaultFoo implements Foo
    public function process(Dependency $dependency): void
        // if we swap the return statements below, the behavior will be different without an error
        // it is a hidden coupling, the first "return" depends on the "if" condition

        if ($dependency->someExpected()) {
            return $this->bar();

        return $this->baz();
  • Better
final class BarFoo implements Foo
    public function process()
        // bar

final class BazFoo implements Foo
    public function process()
        // baz

$foo = new ObjectiveIf(
    condition: $dependency,
    then: new BarFoo,
    else: new BazFoo,

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Use vertical decomposition of responsibility

Try to use vertical instead of horizontal decomposition of responsibility.


  • Bad
final class FileLog implements Log
    public function __construct(
        private readonly string $path
    ) {}

    public function put(Message $message): void
        file_put_contents($this->path, $message->value());

final class TimedMessage implements Message, StringType
    public function __construct(
        private readonly string $message
    ) {}

    public function value(): string
        return sprintf("%s: %s", date('Y-m-d'), $this->message);

// the script below knows both Log and Message interfaces, it's a horizontal decomposition of responsibility

$log = new FileLog('/path/to/log');
$message = new TimedMessage('message');

  • Better
final class TimedLog implements Log
    public function __construct(
        private readonly Log $log
    ) {}

    public function put(string $message): void
        $this->log->put(sprintf("%s: %s", date('Y-m-d'), $message));

// now we only use the Log interface, it's a vertical decomposition of responsibility

$log = new TimedLog(new FileLog('/path/to/log'));
$log->put('some message');

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Class names must be named by what them objects are, not what they do.

Use nouns and avoid postfix "-er".


  • Bad
class DataProvider
    public function __construct(
        private readonly QueryBuilder $queryBuilder
    ) { }

    public function getData(string $table, array $select, array $where): array
        $query = $this

        return $this->fetchAll();
  • Better
final class FooSQLReport implements FooReport
    public function __construct(
        private readonly DbConnection $connection,
        private readonly TableName $tableName
    ) { }

    public function asArrayBetweenDates(DateTime $from, DateTime $to): ArrayType
        return $this->connection->sqlResultAsArray(
            sql: 'SELECT * FROM ?s ...',
            tableName: this->tableName->value(),

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Use nouns when a method will create something and return it.
Use verbs when a method manipulates.
Use adjectives when a method returns a boolean value (or make those values objects and use nouns).

Never mix builders and manipulators together.


  • Bad
class File
    public function save(string $path): bool
        $succsessful = file_put_contents($path, $this->file);

        return (bool)$successful;
  • Better
final class FileSavingResult implements Result
    public function __construct(
        private readonly bool $successful = false
    ) { }

    public function from(bool $result): static
        return new static($result);

    public function successful()
        return $this->successful;

final class MyFile implements File
    public function __construct(
        private readonly ResourceFile $file,
        private readonly Result $result
    ) {}

    public function savedTo(StringType $path): static
        return new static(
            file: $this->file,
            result: $this->result->from(file_put_contents($path, $this->file))

    public function successful(): bool
        return $this->result->successful();

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Objects and variables

Use single and plural nouns for variable names, or refactor the code.

Use a noun with an adjective if the variable losses its meanings without the adjective (for example: 'timeZone', 'microService').


  • Bad
class DaysHelper
    public function getWorkingDays()
        $allDays = $this->repository->getDays();

        $workingDays = [];
        foreach ($allDays as $day) {
            if ($day->isWorking()) {
                $workingDays[] = $day;

        return $workingDays;
  • Better
final class WorkingDays implements Days
    public function __construct(
        private readonly AllDays $period,
        private Collection $collection
    ) { }

    public function asArray(): array
        // it's better to create an objective mapping: new Map(...)
        foreach ($this->period as $day) {
            if (!$day->working()) {


        return $this->collection->asArray();

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Creation of objects and their state

Build immutable objects only

Objects must be immutable, but they can represent mutable data, such as a file on disk.


  • Bad
class Foo
    private string $bar;

    public function setBar(string $bar)
        $this->bar = $bar;
  • Better
final class DefaultFoo implements Foo
    public function __construct(
        private readonly StringType $bar
    ) {}

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Multiple constructors

Object creation should be flexible. Try to keep number of object creation ways greater then number of object methods.

Emulate a "primary constructor" after others.


  • Bad
class Foo
    public function __construct()
        // empty

    public function createFromInt(int $input)
        // Foo creation

    public function createFromString(string $input)
        // Foo creation
  • Better
final class DefaultFoo implements Foo
    private SomeType $data;

     * @param array<string,StringType> type
     * @throws TypeException
    public function __construct(array $type) // you can design it better
        if (array_key_exists('string', $type)) {
            $this->data = new SomeTypeFromString($type['string']);
        } else if (array_key_exists('int', $type)) {
            $this->data = new SomeTypeFromInt($type['int']);

        // primary constructor below

        throw new TypeException('undefined type');

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Keep constructors code-free

Constructors must encapsulate data and must not manipulate it.


  • Bad
class Foo
    private int $value;

    public function __construct(string $inputValue)
        $this->value = (int)$inputValue; // type conversion behavior
  • Better
interface IntegerType
    public function value();

final class StringAsInteger implements IntegerType
    public function __construct(
        private readonly StringType $value
    ) {}

    public function value()
        return (int)$this->value;

final class DefaultFoo implements Foo
    private readonly IntegerType $value;

    public function __construct(StringType $value)
        $this->value = new StringAsInteger($value);

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Encapsulate as little as possible

Try to encapsulate 4 or less objects in one object.


  • Bad
class User
    private int $id;
    private string $firstName;
    private string $lastName;
    private string $country;
    private string $city;
    private string $street;
    private bool $isAdmin;
    private bool $canViewSomeReport;
  • Better
final class AuthorizedUser implements User
    private readonly PersonalInformation $personalInformation;
    private readonly Address $address;
    private readonly Role $role;

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Encapsulate something

Objects must not have an empty body.


  • Bad
class Year
    public function current()
        $dateTime = new DateTime();

        return $dateTime->format('Y');
  • Better
final class Year implements StringType
    public function __construct(
        private DateTime $date
    ) {}

    public function value(): string
        return $this->date->format('Y');

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The state of objects must be their identity.


  • Bad
class Foo
    public function __construct(
        private readonly SomeString $string
    ) { }

$a = new Foo('123');
$b = new Foo('123');

if ($a === $b) { // will be false
    // do something
  • Better
final class DefaultFoo implements Foo
    public function __construct(
        private readonly SomeString $string
    ) { }

$a = new Foo('123');
$b = new Foo('123');

if ($a->equals($b)) { // should be true
    // do something

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Don't use globals

Don't use public static properties and constants, global variables e.t.c.


  • Bad
class Logger
    public function logWarning(string $message)
        $this->loggerService->warning($message . PHP_EOL); // global constant PHP_EOL
  • Better
final class EOLString implements StringType
    public function __construct(
        private readonly StringType $string
    ) {}

    public function value(): StringType
        return $this->string . PHP_EOL; // use this legacy in only one place

final class WarningLog implements Log
    public function __construct(
        private readonly LoggingService $service,
        private readonly EOLString $message
    ) {}

    public function log(): void

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Don't use NULL

Act as if NULL did not exist.


  • Bad
class User
    private string $sessionId;
    private ?string $name = null;

    public function authorize($name)
        if ($name === null) {
            throw new Exception();

        $this->name = $name;
  • Better
final class Guest implements User
    public function __construct(
        private StringType $sessionId
    ) {}

final class AuthorizedUser implements User
    public function __construct(
        private StringType $sessionId,
        private StringType $name
    ) {}

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Don't use static methods


  • Bad
class User
    private User $instance;
    private function __construct() {}

    public static function getInstance(): User
        if ($this->instance === null) {
            $this->instance = new static();

        return $this->instance;
  • Better
final class AuthorizedUser implements User
    // encapsulation

final class ReportPage implements Page
    public function __construct(
        private readonly User $user,
        private readonly ReportPageTemplate $template,
    ) { }

    public function html(): Html
        return $this->template->parsedTemplate($this->user);

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Don't use getters and setters


  • Bad
class User
    private string $name;
    private string $phone;
    private string $address;

    public function getName(): string
        return $this->name;

    public function setName(string $name): static
        $this->name = $name;

        return $this;

    public function getPhone(): string
        return $this->phone;

    public function setPhone(string $phone): static
        $this->phone = $phone;

        return $this;

    public function getAddress(): string
        return $this->address;

    public function setAddress(string $address): static
        $this->address = $address;

        return $this;
  • Better
final class AuthorizedUser implements User
    public function __construct(
        private UserName $name,
        private UserPhone $phone,
        private UserAddress $address
    ) {}

    public function changePhone(UserPhone $phone): static
        return new static($this->name, $phone, $this->address);

    public function address(): UserAddress
        return $this->address;

    public function printWith(Template $template): void
        return $template
            ->with('name', $this->name)
            ->with('phone', $this->phone)
            ->with('address', $this->address)

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No reflection

Avoid any reflections.


  • Bad
class Foo
    public function getQuuxByObject($object): Quux
        if ($object instanceof Bar || $object::class === '\Baz') {
            return $this->secondQuux();

        return $this->firstQuux();
  • Better
interface Foo
    public function quuxForBar(): Quux;

    public function quuxForBaz(): Quux;

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Don't use private constants

Don't use private constants and static variables, use encapsulation or dependency injection or uniqueness.


  • Bad
final class DefaultOrder implements Order
    private static $errorMessage = 'something wrong';

    public function sell(): void
        if (true) { // something wrong
            throw new Exception(static::$errotMessage);

        // sell

    public function decline(): void
        if (true) { // something wrong
            throw new Exception(static::$errotMessage);

        // decline
  • Better
final class DefaultOrder implements Order
     * @throws Exception
    public function sell(): void
        if (true) { // something wrong
            throw new Exception("something wrong - can't sell");

        // sell

     * @throws Exception
    public function decline(): void
        if (true) { // something wrong
            throw new Exception("something wrong - can't decline");

        // decline

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Don't configure objects

Don't send parameters to objects to configure their behavior.


  • Bad
final class DefaultBook implements Book
    public function __construct(
        private readonly LogStream $stream,
        private readonly string $title,
        private readonly bool $loggable
    ) {}

    public function sell()
        // sell

        if ($this->loggable) {
            $this->stream->add('book sold');
  • Better
final class DefaultBook implements Book
    public function __construct(
        private readonly BookTitle $title
    ) {}

    public function sell()
        // sell

final class LoggableBook implements Book
    public function __construct(
        private readonly LogStream $stream,
        private readonly DefaultBook $book
    ) {}

    public function sell()
        $this->stream->add('book sold');

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Don't use annotations

Don't use native or DocBlock annotations if it needs a reflection.


  • Bad
class BlogController extends AbstractController
    #[Route('/blog', name: 'blog_list')]
    public function list(): Response
        // ...
  • Better
class BlogList
    public function html(): Html


Fail first instead of fail safe

Throw exceptions as soon as possible and as many as possible.


  • Bad
class FileHelper
    public function list(string $dir): array
        // there is no exception if there are no files in the directory, it is "fail safe" strategy
        $files = $this->listFiles($dir);

        if ($files === null) {
            throw new FileException(); // the worst thing is to ignore it

        return $this->parseFileNames($dir);
  • Better
interface Files
    public function exists(): bool;

    public function names(): FileNames;

final class FilesPage implements WebPage
    public function __construct(
        private readonly Files $files,
        private readonly FilesTemplate $template
    ) {}

    public function html(): Html
        return $this->template->renderedHtml($this->files->names());

final class StrictFilesPage implements WebPage
    public function __construct(
        private readonly Files $files,
        private readonly FilesPage $page,
    ) {}

     * @throws EmptyDirectoryException
    public function html(): Html
        // it's even better design it like "return new ThrowableIf(...)", the lines below are coupled

        if (!$this->files->exists()) {
            throw new EmptyDirectoryException();

        return $this->page->html();

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Declare exceptions

Use DocBlock to declare exceptions and keep it up to date.


  • Bad
class Foo
    public function bar($filePath)
        if (!file_exists($file_path)) {
            throw new FilePathException();

  • Better
final class PostComment implements Comment
    public function __construct(
        private readonly Message $message,
        private readonly File $file
    ) {}

     * @throws FileNotFoundException
     * @throws FileNotLegalException
    public function withFile(File $file): Comment
        // it's even better wrap all cases to other objects (decorators)

        if (!$file->exists()) {
            throw new FileNotFoundException();

        if (!$file->legal()) {
            throw new FileNotLegalException();

        return new static($this->message, $file);

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Don't catch exceptions unless you have to


  • Bad
class File
    public function getContent(): int
        try {
            return $this
        } catch (FileException $e) {
            return 0;
  • Better
interface File
    public function asString(): StringType;

final class FilePage implements WebPage
    public function __construct(
        private readonly File $file,
        private readonly FileTemplate $template
    ) {}

    public function html(): StringType
        try {
            return $this->template->renderedString($this->file->asString());
        } catch (FileException $exception) {
            return $this->template->failedTemplate($exception);

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Chain exceptions everywhere

Rethrow exceptions everywhere you catch them and chain a new exception with previous.


  • Bad
class Files
     * @throws FilesException
    public function countLegal(): int
        $legalFiles = 0;

        try {
            foreach($this->files as $file) {
                if ($file->isLegal()) {
        } catch (FileException $exception) {
            throw new FilesException("can't count legal files");

        return $legalFiles;
  • Better
final class LegalFiles implements Files
     * @throws LegalFilesException
    public function sendToEmails(Emails $emails): void
        try {
            // it's better to create an objective mapping: new Map($this->files)
            array_map(fn($file) => $this->mail->add($emails, $file), $this->files);
        } catch (FilesException $exception) {
            throw new LegalFilesException(
                message: "Can't send to emails",
                previous: $exception

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Recover only at top entry points


  • Bad
class File
    public function getContent(): int
        try {
            return $this
        } catch (FileException $e) {
            return 0;
  • Better
final class WebApplication implements Application
    public function run(): void
        try {
            echo $this->response(
        } catch (Exception $exception) {
            echo $this->response($this->templates->failedTemplate());

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Patterns and principles


Use destructors and destroy objects when you need to.

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Create objects of other interfaces only in the object constructor with a condition.

It is better to create objects of other interfaces in secondary constructors, which is not yet available in PHP.


  • Bad
class Handler
    public function handle(RequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
        $helper = new Helper();
        $response = new Response();

        if ($helper->helpNeeded()) {

        return $response;
  • Better
final class MyRule implements Rule
    private Foo $foo;

    public function __construct(ArrayType $instances) // you can design it better
        if (array_key_exists('foo', $instances)) {
            $this->foo = $instances['foo'];

        $this->foo = new Foo();

    public function matches(): bool
        return $this->foo->someExpected();

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Law of Demeter

Don't use the fluent interface pattern if the object just returns another object, only use it if the object creates another object.


  • Bad
final class DefaultFoo implements Foo
    public function bar(): Bar
        return $this->bar;

final class DefaultBar implements Bar
    public function baz(): void

$foo = new DefaultFoo();
  • Better
final class DefaultFoo implements Foo
    public function __construct(
        private readonly Bar $bar
    ) { }

    public function bar(): Bar
        return $this->bar->withQuux(); // creation

final class DefaultBar implements Bar
    public function withQuux(): static
        return new static($this->quux);

    public function baz(): void

$foo = new DefaultFoo();

AOP for technical moments

It is acceptable to use Aspects in annotations if the AOP functionality is not based on reflection.


  • Bad
class Parser
    public function parse(): void
        $attempts = 0;

        while (true) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                if ($attempts > 2) {
                    throw $e;
  • Better
final class FooAPI implements API
    #[RetryOnFailure(attempts: 5)]
    public function response(): Response
        return $this->adapter->resposeForRequest($this->request);
  • Without AOP
final class FooAPI implements API
    public function response(): Response
        return $this->adapter->resposeForRequest($this->request);

final class FooAPIWithAttempts implements API
    public function __construct(
        private readonly API $api
    ) { }

     * @return Response
     * @throws Exception
    public function response(): Response
        // it's even better design it like "return new ObjectiveWhile(...)" or something else, because the lines below are coupled

        $attempts = 0;

        while (true) {
            try {
                return $this->api->response();
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                if ($attempts > 2) {
                    throw $e;

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Use decorators for validation and different results (as objects) for assertions.


  • Bad
interface FormValidator
    public function validate($fileds);
  • Better
interface FooReport
    public function asArrayBetweenDates(DateTime $from, DateTime $to): ArrayType;

final class FooSQLReport implements FooReport
    public function __construct(
        private readonly DbConnection $connection,
        private readonly TableName $tableName
    ) { }

    public function asArrayBetweenDates(DateTime $from, DateTime $to): ArrayType
        return $this->connection->sqlResultAsArray(
            sql: 'SELECT * FROM ?s ...',
            tableName: this->tableName->value(),

final class StrictFooSQLReport implements FooReport
    public function __construct(
        private readonly FooSqlReport $report
    ) { }

     * @param DateTime $from
     * @param DateTime $to
     * @return ArrayType
     * @throws Exception
    public function asArrayBetweenDates(DateTime $from, DateTime $to): ArrayType
        if ($from < new DateTime('now')) {
            throw new InvalidDateException();

        return $this->report->asArrayBetweenDates($from, $to);

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