A Munin plugin to graph the results from speedtest-cli
Setup instructions:
- Download speedtest-cli
wget -O speedtest-cli https://raw.github.com/sivel/speedtest-cli/master/speedtest_cli.py
chmod +x speedtest-cli
- Create a crontab similar to this
crontab -e
58,18,38 * * * * root /<path>/<to>/<file>/speedtest-cli --simple > /tmp/speedtest.out
- Copy speedtest.sh into Munin plugins folder (on Debian/Ubuntu)
cp /<path>/<to>/<file>/speedtest.sh /etc/munin/plugins/speedtest.sh
chmod 777 /etc/munin/plugins/speedtest.sh
- Restart munin-node to detect the new plugin
sudo /etc/init.d/munin-node restart
Original author: Alex Pardoe
Monitoring Internet Connection Speed With Munin
Github Gist - speedtest-cli.sh