An old project from 2006 - I got nostalgic again.
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bwFXPbot is a freesoft distributed under the GNU GPL license;
The program was designed for file sharing networks who would like easy distribution control of files to their FTP servers.
The idea behind bwFXPbot is simple, a Perl based IRC bot with a widely used Open-Source project called Lftp, bwFXPbot
accepts instructions from the user on the IRC channel and using Lftp tranfers the files to requested locations of your choise.It's features are as followed:
a. Using IRC bwFXPbot provides you with an easy global access to your file distributions.
b. Easy distribution of files from a local host to multiple FTP servers.
c. Easy distribution of files from one FTP server to many using FXP.
Read the original ReadMe.html