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This is a sample project for Fried-Fame offering a complete VPN functioanlity in the form of a C# desktop application.

Video installation-guide coming sooon.

Feature List:

  • Secure web API to your Fried-Fame web front.
  • OpenVPN Tunneling with realtime data reports.
  • Secure session storage system.
  • Update checks.
  • Task-Tray icon

Build Guide

The build-guide for this project is fairly straight forward. That is the primary objective for the Fried-Fame project, to allow you to easily create your own VPN service wih relative ease.


  • Visual Studio with .NET 4.7 support.
  • Inno Setup (Optional)

Updating images (Optional)

To update the branding of the VPN, you will need to update the following images.

./BuildFiles/assets/images/evpn.png (300x145)

./BuildFiles/assets/images/icon.ico (255x255)

./fried-fame-client-windows/Assets/icon.ico (255x255)

Updating branding (Optional)

Most branding shown to the user within the VPN client, will be fetched from your deployment of fried-fame. There is also branding properties within Project Properties that cannot be fetched from your deployment of Fried-Fame, so they will need to be manually configured. Follow the following steps:

  • Open project in Visual Studio.

  • Navigate to Project -> fried-fame-client-windows Properties

  • Click "Assembly Information"

  • (Optional) Take note of the version for later - Default is likely

  • Fill the fields displayed

  • Click "OK"

  • Close tab

Updating Server API Endpoint

There is a C# Script entitled "Constants.cs" which contains a critcal variable that points to your deployment of Fried-Fame. All information communicates are built off of this web address.

  • Open project in Visual Studio

  • On the right of your screen, find "Solution Explorer"

  • Exapand "fried-fame-client-windows". You will be able to see several files.

  • Click and open "Constants.cs"

  • By default, the variable "REMOTE_CONTEXT" is configured to point to a test deployment of Fried-Fame ( We will configure this to our API.

  • You will want to replace REMOTE_CONTEXT content with "". Replate with YOUR domain. You may need to remove "website_prefix" DEPENDING if you installed fried-fame in the ROOT of your website, or otherwise adjust it to your installation directory.

  • Server API has been updated.

Building project

In debug mode, it skips administrative checks just to ensure the front-end is wokring. VPN Connectivity may not be functioanl in debug mode.

  • Open porject in Visual Studio

  • Seelct whether you want a release or debug build. For publishing this to Fried-Fame website, we heavily suggest RELEASE.

  • To build, click Build -> Build Solution OR ctrl+shift+b

  • Project output will be located ./fried-fame-client-windows/bin/Release/ or ../Debug

Building Installation Executable. (Optional)

To build the installation file, you will need Inno Setup.

  • Open "setup generator.iss" located in project root.

  • Adjust macros up top appropriately. Namely MyAppName, MyAppVersion, MyAppPublisher, MyAppURL etc.

  • Important to note, that changing MyAppExeName WILL result in errors UNLESS you modify the executable name located in ./fried-fame-client-windows/bin/Release/ to match. You will need to modify the file name every time you compile the project as release.

  • Ensure MyAppVersion matches the version of the C# prject settings.

  • Navigate to Build -> Compile OR press ctrl+f9 to build project.

  • Your setup file can be found ./Output/


Deployment process is entierly manual at this projects current state. In the future, scripts making use of InternalAPI may be implemented.

  • Please see "Building Project" for information on building the installer.

  • Navigate to your deployment of Fried-Fame as an Administrator account.

  • Go to your control panel

  • On the side-bar, select "New Package"

  • Select platform "Windows"

  • Enter the version mentioned above. ENSURE THE VERSION IS CONSISTENT ACROSS PROJECT-PROPERTIES, INSTALLATION BUILDING, AND HERE. If it is not consistent, it WILL result in a bad user experience.

  • Select the package you wish to upload. The package SHOULD be the installation file built above, it can be found at ./Output.

  • Submit and your deployment has been created.


413 error, or file too large

If you get this error while deploying a version, check the following:


Fried-Fame Windows client






No releases published


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