A command line utility to harvest small files into sequence file format.
java -jar file-harvester-x.x-jar-with-dependencies.jar [harvester-options] -- [output-format-options]
-ip <input-path> Input path to harvest, must be a directory or file.
-it <input-type> Input path type DIRECTORY|FILE default is DIRECTORY.
-me <match> Glob expression to match file for harvesting, default is *.*
-f <output-file> Mandatory outfile file name.
-of <output-format> Output file format, SEQUENCE|ZIP|TAR, default is SEQUENCE.
Other formats are not supported!
output-format-options: specific to the output format
Sequence File
-cm <compression-mode> Compression mode NONE|RECORD|BLOCK default is NONE
-cd <compression-codec> Compression codec class, applicable only if compression-mode is not NONE.
Default is org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.DeflateCodec.
-kc <key-class> Key class of the sequence file BINARY|TEXT|NULL default is BINARY.
-vc <value-class> Value class of the sequence file BINARY|TEXT|NULL default is BINARY
java -jar file-harvester-x.x-jar-with-dependencies.jar -ip /directory -f harvested.seq
java -jar file-harvester-x.x-jar-with-dependencies.jar -ip /directory -f harvested.seq.deflate -- -cm BLOCK
java -jar file-harvester-x.x-jar-with-dependencies.jar -ip /directory -f harvested.seq.bzip2 -- -cm BLOCK -cd org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.BZip2Codec
java -jar file-harvester-x.x-jar-with-dependencies.jar -ip /directory -f harvested.seq -- -vc TEXT