I have a background in industrial engineering and a passion for web development. I started to code by building static websites using WordPress and decided to take it further.
I've recently participated in a 30-week full-stack web development bootcamp where I acquired skills in React JS & Node.js, Ruby/Ruby on Rails, HTML & CSS, Javascript, SQL & Relational Databases, Networking & HTTP. I'm eager to continue to acquire new abilities and stay up-to-date with the latest technologies in web development with an innovative mindset.
I also do freelance work at a digital agency called Montag Creative. You can find our portfolio here.
- 🏫: I'm living in Toronto, ON.
- 🎓: I'm graduated with a BSc in Industrial Engineering.
- 🔭: I’m currently working with Node.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL, Javascript, HTML & CSS etc.
- 🌱: I’m currently learning ReactJS, Ruby/Ruby on Rails.
- 🤔: I’m looking for help with anything I'm currently learning!
- 🧠: Deeply believe in being multi-disciplinary.
- 💬: Ask me about anything, I'll be happy to help!
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I'm a basketball & soccer player, sports fan, amateur producer & DJ.
Credit: egesenli
Last Edited on: 01/27/2023