API description for Live Objects service
This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the OpenAPI-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 2.13.3
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen
Install the following dependencies:
go get github.com/stretchr/testify/assert
go get golang.org/x/oauth2
go get golang.org/x/net/context
Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:
import sw "./liveobjects"
To use a proxy, set the environment variable HTTP_PROXY
os.Setenv("HTTP_PROXY", "http://proxy_name:proxy_port")
Default configuration comes with Servers
field that contains server objects as defined in the OpenAPI specification.
For using other server than the one defined on index 0 set context value sw.ContextServerIndex
of type int
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextServerIndex, 1)
Templated server URL is formatted using default variables from configuration or from context value sw.ContextServerVariables
of type map[string]string
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextServerVariables, map[string]string{
"basePath": "v2",
Note, enum values are always validated and all unused variables are silently ignored.
Each operation can use different server URL defined using OperationServers
map in the Configuration
An operation is uniquely identifield by "{classname}Service.{nickname}"
Similar rules for overriding default operation server index and variables applies by using sw.ContextOperationServerIndices
and sw.ContextOperationServerVariables
context maps.
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextOperationServerIndices, map[string]int{
"{classname}Service.{nickname}": 2,
ctx = context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextOperationServerVariables, map[string]map[string]string{
"{classname}Service.{nickname}": {
"port": "8443",
All URIs are relative to https://liveobjects.orange-business.com
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountingV1Api | GetDailyStatisticsUsingGET2 | Get /api/v1/accounting/daily | Get daily accounting metrics (Beta). |
AccountingV1Api | GetMonthlyStatisticsUsingGET2 | Get /api/v1/accounting/monthly | Get monthly accounting metrics. |
ApiKeysApi | CreateApiKeyUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/apiKeys | Create an API key |
ApiKeysApi | DeleteApiKeyUsingDELETE | Delete /api/v0/apiKeys/{apiKeyId} | Delete an API key |
ApiKeysApi | GetApiKeyFromAuthenticationUsingGET3 | Get /api/v0/apiKeys/current_key | getApiKeyFromAuthentication |
ApiKeysApi | GetApiKeyUsingGET3 | Get /api/v0/apiKeys/{apiKeyId} | Get an API key |
ApiKeysApi | GetApiKeysUsingGET3 | Get /api/v0/apiKeys | List API keys |
ApiKeysApi | SetApiKeyDebugModeUsingPUT3 | Put /api/v0/apiKeys/{apiKeyId}/debugMode | Activate/Deactivate the debug mode on an API key |
ApiKeysApi | UpdateApiKeyUsingPOST1 | Post /api/v0/apiKeys/{apiKeyId} | Update an API key |
AuditLogApi | SearchUsingGET | Get /api/v0/auditlog/messages | Retrieve messages available in your AuditLog |
BusManagementApi | CreateUsingPOST3 | Post /api/v0/topics/fifo | Create a FIFO |
BusManagementApi | DeleteUsingDELETE20 | Delete /api/v0/topics/fifo/{fifoName} | Delete a FIFO |
BusManagementApi | FifoPublishUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/topics/fifo/{fifoName} | Publish a message into a FIFO |
BusManagementApi | GetUsingGET19 | Get /api/v0/topics/fifo/{fifoName} | Get a FIFO |
BusManagementApi | ListFifoTopicsUsingGET | Get /api/v0/topics/fifo | List all FIFOs |
CACertificatesApi | CreateUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/certificates/ca | Upload CA certificate |
CACertificatesApi | DeleteUsingDELETE9 | Delete /api/v0/certificates/ca/{certificateId} | Delete CA certificate |
CACertificatesApi | ListUsingGET11 | Get /api/v0/certificates/ca | List CA certificates |
CACertificatesApi | RetrieveUsingGET | Get /api/v0/certificates/ca/{certificateId} | Retrieve CA certificate |
CampaignManagementApi | CancelCampaignUsingPUT | Put /api/v0/deviceMgt/campaigns/{campaignId}/cancel | Cancel a campaign |
CampaignManagementApi | CreateCampaignUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/deviceMgt/campaigns | Create a campaign |
CampaignManagementApi | DeleteCampaignUsingDELETE | Delete /api/v0/deviceMgt/campaigns/{campaignId} | Delete a campaign |
CampaignManagementApi | GetCampaignDetailsUsingGET | Get /api/v0/deviceMgt/campaigns/{campaignId}/targets | Get the campaign status per device |
CampaignManagementApi | GetCampaignUsingGET | Get /api/v0/deviceMgt/campaigns/{campaignId} | Get a campaign |
CampaignManagementApi | ListCampaignsUsingGET | Get /api/v0/deviceMgt/campaigns | List all campaigns |
CampaignManagementApi | UpdateCampaignUsingPATCH | Patch /api/v0/deviceMgt/campaigns/{campaignId} | Update a campaign |
DataBulkInjectionApi | AddDataBulkUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/data/bulk | Insert a bulk of new Data |
DataManagementCustomPipelinesApi | DeleteUsingDELETE11 | Delete /api/v0/pipelines/{pipelineId} | Delete a DataMessage pipeline |
DataManagementCustomPipelinesApi | GetUsingGET12 | Get /api/v0/pipelines/{pipelineId} | Retrieve a DataMessage pipeline |
DataManagementCustomPipelinesApi | ListUsingGET13 | Get /api/v0/pipelines | Retrieve the list of DataMessage pipelines, ordered by priorityLevel |
DataManagementCustomPipelinesApi | PostUsingPOST12 | Post /api/v0/pipelines | Create a DataMessage pipeline |
DataManagementCustomPipelinesApi | UpdateUsingPUT6 | Put /api/v0/pipelines/{pipelineId} | Update a DataMessage pipeline |
DataManagementDataSearchApi | DslQueryHitsOnlyUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/data/search/hits | Query an Elasticsearch Domain Specific Language request and get only hits result |
DataManagementDataSearchApi | DslQueryUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/data/search | Query an Elasticsearch Domain Specific Language request |
DataManagementDataStoreApi | AddDataMessageUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/data/streams/{streamId} | Insert a new Data into the stream |
DataManagementDataStoreApi | RetrieveDataUsingGET | Get /api/v0/data/streams/{streamId} | Retrieve data from the streamId |
DecodersApi | ListUsingGET22 | Get /api/v0/decoders | Retrieve the list of all decoders (binary, csv, js) |
DecodersBinaryApi | ActivateUsingPUT8 | Put /api/v0/decoders/binary/{decoderId}/enabled | Activate or deactivate a decoder |
DecodersBinaryApi | DeleteUsingDELETE8 | Delete /api/v0/decoders/binary/{decoderId} | Delete a binary decoder |
DecodersBinaryApi | GetUsingGET10 | Get /api/v0/decoders/binary/{decoderId} | Retrieve a binary decoder |
DecodersBinaryApi | ListUsingGET10 | Get /api/v0/decoders/binary | Retrieve the list of binary decoders |
DecodersBinaryApi | PostUsingPOST10 | Post /api/v0/decoders/binary | Create a binary decoder |
DecodersBinaryApi | PutUsingPUT2 | Put /api/v0/decoders/binary/{decoderId} | Update a binary decoder |
DecodersBinaryApi | TestUsingPOST2 | Post /api/v0/decoders/binary/test | Test a binary decoder format with an encoded payload |
DecodersCSVApi | ActivateUsingPUT9 | Put /api/v0/decoders/csv/{decoderId}/enabled | Activate or deactivate a decoder |
DecodersCSVApi | DeleteUsingDELETE10 | Delete /api/v0/decoders/csv/{decoderId} | Delete a csv decoder |
DecodersCSVApi | GetUsingGET11 | Get /api/v0/decoders/csv/{decoderId} | Retrieve a csv decoder |
DecodersCSVApi | ListUsingGET12 | Get /api/v0/decoders/csv | Retrieve the list of csv decoders filtered by tags |
DecodersCSVApi | PostUsingPOST11 | Post /api/v0/decoders/csv | Create a csv decoder |
DecodersCSVApi | PutUsingPUT3 | Put /api/v0/decoders/csv/{decoderId} | Update a csv decoder |
DecodersCSVApi | TestUsingPOST3 | Post /api/v0/decoders/csv/test | Test a csv decoder format with an encoded payload |
DecodersPublicApi | ListUsingGET23 | Get /api/v0/decoders/public | Retrieve the list of all public decoders (binary, csv, js) |
DeprecatedBusManagementRouterApi | AddBindingUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/bindings | Add a binding for a FIFO queue |
DeprecatedBusManagementRouterApi | DeleteBindingUsingDELETE | Delete /api/v0/bindings/{routingKeyFilter}/{fifoName} | Delete a binding |
DeprecatedBusManagementRouterApi | ListBindingsUsingGET | Get /api/v0/bindings | List registered bindings |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementCommandV0UseDeviceManagementCommandsV1InsteadApi | AddCommandUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/assets/{assetNamespace}/{assetId}/commands | Register a new command |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementCommandV0UseDeviceManagementCommandsV1InsteadApi | DeleteCommandUsingDELETE | Delete /api/v0/commands/{commandId} | Delete a specific command |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementCommandV0UseDeviceManagementCommandsV1InsteadApi | GetAssetCommandsUsingGET | Get /api/v0/assets/{assetNamespace}/{assetId}/commands | Get a list of commands targeting a specific asset |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementCommandV0UseDeviceManagementCommandsV1InsteadApi | GetCommandStatusUsingGET | Get /api/v0/commands/{commandId}/status | Get the status of a specific command |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementCommandV0UseDeviceManagementCommandsV1InsteadApi | GetCommandUsingGET | Get /api/v0/commands/{commandId} | Get a specific command |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementCommandV0UseDeviceManagementCommandsV1InsteadApi | ListCommandsUsingGET | Get /api/v0/commands | List registered commands |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementCommandV0UseDeviceManagementCommandsV1InsteadApi | SetCommandStatusUsingPUT | Put /api/v0/commands/{commandId}/status | Update the status of specific command |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementDevicesFirmwaresApi | GetDeviceFirmwareUsingGET | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/firmwares/{firmwareId} | Get a specific device firmware (use /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/resources/{resourceId} instead) |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementDevicesFirmwaresApi | GetDeviceResourceUpdatesUsingGET | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/firmwareUpdates | Get a list of device firmware updates (use /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/resources/updates |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementDevicesFirmwaresApi | GetLastResourceUpdateUsingGET | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/firmwares/{firmwareId}/lastUpdate | Get info about last update of this device firmware (use /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/resources/{resourceId}/updates/latest instead) |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementDevicesFirmwaresApi | ListDeviceResourcesUsingGET | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/firmwares | Get a map of all device firmwares (use /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/resources instead) |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementDevicesFirmwaresApi | SetDeviceResourceVersionUsingPOST | Post /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/firmwares/{firmwareId} | Set device firmware versions (use /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/resources/{resourceId} instead) |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementInventoryV0UseDeviceManagementInventoryV1InsteadApi | CreateAssetUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/assets | Create a device |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementInventoryV0UseDeviceManagementInventoryV1InsteadApi | DeleteDeviceStatusUsingDELETE | Delete /api/v0/assets/{assetNamespace}/{assetId} | Delete a device |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementInventoryV0UseDeviceManagementInventoryV1InsteadApi | GetAssetStatusUsingGET | Get /api/v0/assets/{assetNamespace}/{assetId} | Get a device status |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementInventoryV0UseDeviceManagementInventoryV1InsteadApi | ListAssetNamespacesUsingGET | Get /api/v0/inventory/namespaces | Enumerates the used asset namespaces |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementInventoryV0UseDeviceManagementInventoryV1InsteadApi | ListAssetsUsingGET | Get /api/v0/assets | List registered assets status |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementInventoryV0UseDeviceManagementInventoryV1InsteadApi | UpdateAssetUsingPUT | Put /api/v0/assets/{assetNamespace}/{assetId} | Update a device |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementParameterV0UseDeviceManagementConfigurationV1InsteadApi | GetAssetParamUsingGET | Get /api/v0/assets/{assetNamespace}/{assetId}/params/{paramKey} | Get a specific asset parameter |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementParameterV0UseDeviceManagementConfigurationV1InsteadApi | GetAssetParamsUsingGET | Get /api/v0/assets/{assetNamespace}/{assetId}/params | Get a specific asset list of parameters |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementParameterV0UseDeviceManagementConfigurationV1InsteadApi | SetAssetParamsUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/assets/{assetNamespace}/{assetId}/params | Update a specific asset list of parameters |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementParameterV0UseDeviceManagementConfigurationV1InsteadApi | SetDeviceParamUpdateStatusUsingPUT | Put /api/v0/assets/{assetNamespace}/{assetId}/params/{paramKey}/status | Update the status of a specific asset parameter update |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementParameterV0UseDeviceManagementConfigurationV1InsteadApi | SetDeviceParamsUpdateStatusUsingPUT | Put /api/v0/assets/{assetNamespace}/{assetId}/params/status | Update the status of a specific asset parameters update |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementResourceV0UseDeviceManagementResourceV1InsteadApi | CancelResourceUpdateUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/rm/asset/{assetIdNamespace}/{assetId}/cancelUpdate | Cancel asset resource update |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementResourceV0UseDeviceManagementResourceV1InsteadApi | GetAllAssetResourcesUsingGET | Get /api/v0/rm/asset/{assetIdNamespace}/{assetId} | List the asset's resources (use /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/resources instead) |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementResourceV0UseDeviceManagementResourceV1InsteadApi | GetLastUpdateUsingGET | Get /api/v0/rm/asset/{assetIdNamespace}/{assetId}/update | Get the asset's resources update status (use /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/firmwares/{firmwareId}/lastUpdate instead) |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementResourceV0UseDeviceManagementResourceV1InsteadApi | GetUpdateHistoryUsingGET | Get /api/v0/rm/asset/{assetIdNamespace}/{assetId}/update/history | Get the asset's resources update history (use /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/firmwareUpdates instead) |
DeprecatedDeviceManagementResourceV0UseDeviceManagementResourceV1InsteadApi | SetAssetTargetResourceVersionUsingPUT | Put /api/v0/rm/asset/{assetIdNamespace}/{assetId}/resource/{resourceId}/targetversion | Set asset's target resource version (use /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/resources/{resourceId} instead) |
DeprecatedGroupManagementV0UseDeviceManagementGroupsV1InsteadApi | CreateGroupUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/groups | Create a group |
DeprecatedGroupManagementV0UseDeviceManagementGroupsV1InsteadApi | DeleteGroupUsingDELETE | Delete /api/v0/groups/{groupId} | Delete a group |
DeprecatedGroupManagementV0UseDeviceManagementGroupsV1InsteadApi | GetGroupUsingGET | Get /api/v0/groups/{groupId} | Get a group |
DeprecatedGroupManagementV0UseDeviceManagementGroupsV1InsteadApi | ListGroupsUsingGET | Get /api/v0/groups | List registered groups |
DeprecatedGroupManagementV0UseDeviceManagementGroupsV1InsteadApi | UpdateGroupUsingPUT | Put /api/v0/groups/{groupId} | Update a group |
DeprecatedRouterTopicManagementApi | PublishUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/topics/router/{routingKey} | Publishing a message into a ROUTER topic |
DeprecatedSMSConnectorApi | SendSMSUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/sms-connector/sms | send SMS by SMS Connector for a list of MSISDN |
DeprecatedSMSConnectorBusinessSettingsUseDeviceManagementConnectorNodesV1InsteadApi | CreateBusinessSettingsUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/sms-connector/settings/business | Create a new business settings of SMS Connector (use Device management - Interfaces - V1 instead) |
DeprecatedSMSConnectorBusinessSettingsUseDeviceManagementConnectorNodesV1InsteadApi | DeleteBusinessSettingsByMsiSDNUsingDELETE | Delete /api/v0/sms-connector/settings/business/msisdn | Delete msisdn in business settings of SMS Connector |
DeprecatedSMSConnectorBusinessSettingsUseDeviceManagementConnectorNodesV1InsteadApi | DeleteBusinessSettingsForOneMsiSDNUsingDELETE | Delete /api/v0/sms-connector/settings/business/{serverPhoneNumber}/msisdn/{msisdnNumber} | Delete one msisdn in business settings of SMS Connector |
DeprecatedSMSConnectorBusinessSettingsUseDeviceManagementConnectorNodesV1InsteadApi | GetBusinessSettingsUsingGET | Get /api/v0/sms-connector/settings/business | Get a business settings of SMS Connector |
DeprecatedSMSConnectorBusinessSettingsUseDeviceManagementConnectorNodesV1InsteadApi | ListMsisdnUsingGET | Get /api/v0/sms-connector/settings/business/msisdn | List msisdn of business settings of SMS Connector |
DeprecatedSMSConnectorBusinessSettingsUseDeviceManagementConnectorNodesV1InsteadApi | ListSettingsUsingGET | Get /api/v0/sms-connector/settings | List all the business settings of the SMSConnector for a tenant |
DeprecatedSMSConnectorBusinessSettingsUseDeviceManagementConnectorNodesV1InsteadApi | UpdateBusinessSettingsUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/sms-connector/settings/business/{serverPhoneNumber} | Update business settings of the SMSConnector |
DeprecatedStatisticsUseAccountingV1AccountingInsteadApi | GetTenantStatisticsUsingGET3 | Get /api/v0/statistics/tenant/{tenantId} | Get tenant statistics for a specific tenant and a range of dates |
DeprecatedTriggersAndActionsApi | CreateUsingPOST1 | Post /api/v0/event2action/actionPolicies | Create an ActionPolicy |
DeprecatedTriggersAndActionsApi | DeleteUsingDELETE12 | Delete /api/v0/event2action/actionPolicies/{policyId} | Delete an ActionPolicy |
DeprecatedTriggersAndActionsApi | ListUsingGET14 | Get /api/v0/event2action/actionPolicies | List ActionPolicies |
DeprecatedTriggersAndActionsApi | RetrieveUsingGET1 | Get /api/v0/event2action/actionPolicies/{policyId} | Retrieve an ActionPolicy |
DeprecatedTriggersAndActionsApi | UpsertUsingPUT | Put /api/v0/event2action/actionPolicies/{policyId} | Create or update an ActionPolicy |
DeprecatedTriggersAndActionsTestApi | TestHttpPushUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/event2action/test/http-push | Post an http request for testing a webhook |
DeviceManagementCommandsV1Api | AddCommandUsingPOST1 | Post /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/commands | Register a new command |
DeviceManagementCommandsV1Api | DeleteCommandUsingDELETE1 | Delete /api/v1/deviceMgt/commands/{commandId} | Delete a specific command |
DeviceManagementCommandsV1Api | GetAssetCommandsUsingGET1 | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/commands | List commands targeting a specific device |
DeviceManagementCommandsV1Api | GetCommandStatusUsingGET1 | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/commands/{commandId}/status | Get the status of a specific command |
DeviceManagementCommandsV1Api | GetCommandUsingGET1 | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/commands/{commandId} | Get a specific command |
DeviceManagementCommandsV1Api | SetCommandStatusUsingPUT1 | Put /api/v1/deviceMgt/commands/{commandId}/status | Update the status of specific command |
DeviceManagementConfigurationV1Api | GetDeviceConfigParameterUsingGET | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/config/parameters/{paramKey} | Get state of a specific device configuration parameter |
DeviceManagementConfigurationV1Api | GetDeviceConfigParametersUsingGET | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/config/parameters | Get a description of the device configuration parameters |
DeviceManagementConfigurationV1Api | GetDeviceConfigurationUsingGET | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/config | Get a description of the device configuration |
DeviceManagementConfigurationV1Api | SetDeviceParamUpdateStatusUsingPUT1 | Put /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/config/parameters/{paramKey}/status | Update the status of a specific device parameter |
DeviceManagementConfigurationV1Api | SetMultipleDeviceConfigParamsUsingPOST | Post /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/config | Set requested values for a set of device configuration parameters |
DeviceManagementConnectorNodesV1Api | DeleteNodeUsingDELETE | Delete /api/v1/deviceMgt/connectors/{connector}/nodes/{nodeId} | Delete a connector node |
DeviceManagementConnectorNodesV1Api | GetNodeUsingGET | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/connectors/{connector}/nodes/{nodeId} | Get details of connector node |
DeviceManagementConnectorNodesV1Api | ListNodesUsingGET | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/connectors/{connector}/nodes | List all connector nodes |
DeviceManagementConnectorNodesV1Api | UpdateNodeUsingPATCH | Patch /api/v1/deviceMgt/connectors/{connector}/nodes/{nodeId} | Update a connector node |
DeviceManagementForCOAPLWM2MBetaApi | GetDeviceUsingGET4 | Get /api/v0/vendors/lwm2m/identity/{ep} | Find a device |
DeviceManagementForCOAPLWM2MBetaApi | ListDevicesUsingGET4 | Get /api/v0/vendors/lwm2m/identities | List lwm2m devices |
DeviceManagementForCOAPLWM2MBetaApi | RegisterDeviceUsingPOST1 | Post /api/v0/vendors/lwm2m/identities | Register LWM2M/DTLS identity |
DeviceManagementForCOAPLWM2MBetaApi | UnregisterDeviceUsingDELETE1 | Delete /api/v0/vendors/lwm2m/identity/{ep} | Unregister a device |
DeviceManagementForCOAPLWM2MBetaApi | UpdateDeviceUsingPUT | Put /api/v0/vendors/lwm2m/identity/{ep} | Update a device |
DeviceManagementForLoRaApi | CountDevicesUsingGET2 | Get /api/v0/vendors/lora/devices/count | Device counts |
DeviceManagementForLoRaApi | GetDeviceProfilesUsingGET | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/connectors/lora/profiles | Get LoRa device profiles |
DeviceManagementForLoRaApi | GetDeviceProfilesUsingGET1 | Get /api/v0/vendors/lora/profiles | Get LoRa device profiles (use /api/v1/deviceMgt/connectors/lora/profiles instead) |
DeviceManagementForLoRaApi | GetDeviceUsingGET3 | Get /api/v0/vendors/lora/devices/{devEUI} | Get a device (use Device management - Connector nodes - V1 instead) |
DeviceManagementForLoRaApi | GetGatewayUsingGET | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/connectors/lora/gateways/{id} | Get a gateway |
DeviceManagementForLoRaApi | GetMessageCountUsingGET | Get /api/v0/vendors/lora/data/count | List of message counts group by period |
DeviceManagementForLoRaApi | ListCommandUsingGET | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/connectors/lora/nodes/{devEUI}/downlinks | List commands |
DeviceManagementForLoRaApi | ListCommandUsingGET1 | Get /api/v0/vendors/lora/devices/{devEUI}/commands | List commands (use /api/v1/deviceMgt/connectors/lora/nodes/{devEUI}/downlinks instead) |
DeviceManagementForLoRaApi | ListConnectivityPlanUsingGET | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/connectors/lora/connectivity | List connectivity plan |
DeviceManagementForLoRaApi | ListConnectivityPlansUsingGET | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/connectors/lora/connectivities | List connectivity plans |
DeviceManagementForLoRaApi | ListDevicesUsingGET3 | Get /api/v0/vendors/lora/devices | List LoRa devices (use Device management - Connector nodes - V1 instead) |
DeviceManagementForLoRaApi | ListGatewaysUsingGET | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/connectors/lora/gateways | List gateways |
DeviceManagementForLoRaApi | RegisterCommandUsingPOST | Post /api/v1/deviceMgt/connectors/lora/nodes/{devEUI}/downlinks | Register a command |
DeviceManagementForLoRaApi | RegisterCommandUsingPOST1 | Post /api/v0/vendors/lora/devices/{devEUI}/commands | Register a command (use /api/v1/deviceMgt/connectors/lora/nodes/{devEUI}/downlinks instead) |
DeviceManagementForLoRaApi | RegisterDeviceUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/vendors/lora/devices | Register a LoRa device (use Device management - Interfaces - V1 instead) |
DeviceManagementForLoRaApi | UnregisterDeviceUsingDELETE | Delete /api/v0/vendors/lora/devices/{devEUI} | Unregister a device (use Device management - Connector nodes - V1 instead) |
DeviceManagementForLoRaApi | UpdateDeviceUsingPATCH1 | Patch /api/v0/vendors/lora/devices/{devEUI} | Update a device (use Device management - Connector nodes - V1 instead) |
DeviceManagementForLoRaApi | UpdateGatewayUsingPATCH | Patch /api/v1/deviceMgt/connectors/lora/gateways/{id} | Update a gateway. |
DeviceManagementGroupsV1Api | CreateGroupUsingPOST1 | Post /api/v1/deviceMgt/groups | Create a group |
DeviceManagementGroupsV1Api | DeleteGroupUsingDELETE1 | Delete /api/v1/deviceMgt/groups/{id} | Delete a group |
DeviceManagementGroupsV1Api | GetGroupUsingGET1 | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/groups/{id} | Get a group |
DeviceManagementGroupsV1Api | ListGroupsUsingGET1 | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/groups | List registered groups |
DeviceManagementGroupsV1Api | UpdateGroupUsingPUT1 | Put /api/v1/deviceMgt/groups/{id} | Update a group |
DeviceManagementInterfacesV1Api | AddInterfaceToDeviceUsingPOST | Post /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/interfaces | Add an interface to a registered device |
DeviceManagementInterfacesV1Api | DeleteInterfaceUsingDELETE | Delete /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/interfaces/{interfaceId} | Delete an interface |
DeviceManagementInterfacesV1Api | GetInterfaceForADeviceUsingGET | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/interfaces/{interfaceId} | Get a specific interface for a registered device |
DeviceManagementInterfacesV1Api | ListInterfacesForADeviceUsingGET | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/interfaces | Get the interface list for a registered device |
DeviceManagementInterfacesV1Api | UpdateInterfaceUsingPATCH | Patch /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/interfaces/{interfaceId} | Update an interface |
DeviceManagementInventoryV1Api | CreateDeviceUsingPOST | Post /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices | Create a device |
DeviceManagementInventoryV1Api | DeleteDeviceUsingDELETE | Delete /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId} | Delete a device |
DeviceManagementInventoryV1Api | GetDeviceStreamsUsingGET | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/data/streams | Get a device's streamIds |
DeviceManagementInventoryV1Api | GetDeviceUsingGET2 | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId} | Get a device |
DeviceManagementInventoryV1Api | ListDevicesUsingGET2 | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices | List registered devices |
DeviceManagementInventoryV1Api | UpdateDeviceUsingPATCH | Patch /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId} | Update a device |
DeviceManagementResourcesManagementApi | AddResourceUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/rm | Add a resource in Resource Manager |
DeviceManagementResourcesManagementApi | AddResourceVersionUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/rm/{resourceId}/version | Add a new version to a resource |
DeviceManagementResourcesManagementApi | DeleteResourceUsingDELETE | Delete /api/v0/rm/{resourceId} | Delete a resource |
DeviceManagementResourcesManagementApi | DeleteResourceVersionUsingDELETE | Delete /api/v0/rm/{resourceId}/version/{resourceVersionId} | Delete a resource's version |
DeviceManagementResourcesManagementApi | GetAllConnectorsUsingGET | Get /api/v0/rm/connectors | Get all available connectors |
DeviceManagementResourcesManagementApi | GetConnectorMandatoryAndOptionalMetadataUsingGET | Get /api/v0/rm/connectors/{connector}/metadata | Get mandatory and optional metadata of a connector |
DeviceManagementResourcesManagementApi | GetResourceCompatibleVersionsUsingGET | Get /api/v0/rm/{resourceId}/compatibleVersion/{currentVersion} | List the versions from which a resource update to the version can be done |
DeviceManagementResourcesManagementApi | GetResourceUsingGET | Get /api/v0/rm/{resourceId} | Get a resource |
DeviceManagementResourcesManagementApi | GetResourceVersionUsingGET | Get /api/v0/rm/{resourceId}/version/{resourceVersionId} | Get a resource's version |
DeviceManagementResourcesManagementApi | GetResourceVersionsUsingGET | Get /api/v0/rm/{resourceId}/version | List resource's versions |
DeviceManagementResourcesManagementApi | GetResourcesUsingGET | Get /api/v0/rm | List all resources |
DeviceManagementResourcesManagementApi | UpdateResourceUsingPUT | Put /api/v0/rm/{resourceId} | Update a resource |
DeviceManagementResourcesManagementApi | UpdateResourceVersionUsingPUT | Put /api/v0/rm/{resourceId}/version/{resourceVersionId} | Update a resource's version |
DeviceManagementResourcesV1Api | GetDeviceResourceUpdatesUsingGET1 | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/resources/updates | Get a list of device resource updates |
DeviceManagementResourcesV1Api | GetDeviceResourceUsingGET | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/resources/{resourceId} | Get a specific device resource |
DeviceManagementResourcesV1Api | GetLastResourceUpdateUsingGET1 | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/resources/{resourceId}/updates/latest | Get info about last update of this device resource |
DeviceManagementResourcesV1Api | ListDeviceResourcesUsingGET1 | Get /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/resources | Get a map of all device resources |
DeviceManagementResourcesV1Api | SetDeviceResourceVersionUsingPOST1 | Post /api/v1/deviceMgt/devices/{deviceId}/resources/{resourceId} | Set device resource versions |
EventProcessingActivityApi | DeleteUsingDELETE14 | Delete /api/v0/eventprocessing/activity/rules/{activityRuleId} | Delete an ActivityRule |
EventProcessingActivityApi | GetStatesUsingGET | Get /api/v0/eventprocessing/activity/states | Retrieve the list of all the ActivityStates linked to a specific device and/or rule |
EventProcessingActivityApi | GetUsingGET13 | Get /api/v0/eventprocessing/activity/rules/{activityRuleId} | Retrieve an ActivityRule |
EventProcessingActivityApi | ListUsingGET16 | Get /api/v0/eventprocessing/activity/rules | Retrieve the list of all the ActivityRules or get an ActivityRule by its name |
EventProcessingActivityApi | MuteUsingPUT | Put /api/v0/eventprocessing/activity/states/mute | Mute or reset nextAlarm of ActivityStates targeted by a specific deviceId/activityRuleId |
EventProcessingActivityApi | PostUsingPOST13 | Post /api/v0/eventprocessing/activity/rules | Create an ActivityRule |
EventProcessingActivityApi | UpdateUsingPUT7 | Put /api/v0/eventprocessing/activity/rules/{activityRuleId} | Update an ActivityRule |
EventProcessingContextApi | ClearUsingDELETE | Delete /api/v0/eventprocessing/context | Delete all context entries |
EventProcessingContextApi | DeleteUsingDELETE15 | Delete /api/v0/eventprocessing/context/{contextKey} | Delete a context key |
EventProcessingContextApi | GetUsingGET14 | Get /api/v0/eventprocessing/context/{contextKey} | Retrieve a context |
EventProcessingContextApi | ListUsingGET17 | Get /api/v0/eventprocessing/context | Retrieve the list of contexts with optional tag filtering |
EventProcessingContextApi | SaveUsingPUT | Put /api/v0/eventprocessing/context/{contextKey} | Save a context |
EventProcessingFiringApi | DeleteUsingDELETE16 | Delete /api/v0/eventprocessing/firing-rule/{firingRuleId} | Delete a FiringRule |
EventProcessingFiringApi | GetFiringGuardUsingGET | Get /api/v0/eventprocessing/firing-guard/{firingGuardId} | Get a FiringGuard |
EventProcessingFiringApi | GetFiringGuardsUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/eventprocessing/firing-guard/search | Get FiringGuards linked to a FiringRule, and where FiringGuards selection criteria match. |
EventProcessingFiringApi | GetUsingGET15 | Get /api/v0/eventprocessing/firing-rule/{firingRuleId} | Retrieve a FiringRule |
EventProcessingFiringApi | ListUsingGET18 | Get /api/v0/eventprocessing/firing-rule | Retrieve the list of all the FiringRules or get a FiringRule by its name |
EventProcessingFiringApi | PostUsingPOST14 | Post /api/v0/eventprocessing/firing-rule | Create a FiringRule |
EventProcessingFiringApi | RemoveFiringGuardUsingDELETE | Delete /api/v0/eventprocessing/firing-guard/{firingGuardId} | Remove a FiringGuard |
EventProcessingFiringApi | RemoveFiringGuardsUsingDELETE | Delete /api/v0/eventprocessing/firing-guard | Remove the FiringGuards linked to FiringRule, and where FiringGuards selection criteria match. |
EventProcessingFiringApi | UpdateUsingPUT8 | Put /api/v0/eventprocessing/firing-rule/{firingRuleId} | Update a FiringRule |
EventProcessingGeozoneApi | DeleteUsingDELETE17 | Delete /api/v0/eventprocessing/geozones/{zoneId} | delete a geographic zone |
EventProcessingGeozoneApi | GetUsingGET16 | Get /api/v0/eventprocessing/geozones/{zoneId} | retrieve a geozone from repository |
EventProcessingGeozoneApi | ListUsingGET19 | Get /api/v0/eventprocessing/geozones | retrieve paginated list of geozones |
EventProcessingGeozoneApi | SaveUsingPUT1 | Put /api/v0/eventprocessing/geozones/{zoneId} | Save a geographic zone |
EventProcessingMatchingApi | DeleteUsingDELETE18 | Delete /api/v0/eventprocessing/matching-rule/{matchingRuleId} | Delete a MatchingRule |
EventProcessingMatchingApi | GetUsingGET17 | Get /api/v0/eventprocessing/matching-rule/{matchingRuleId} | Retrieve a MatchingRule |
EventProcessingMatchingApi | ListUsingGET20 | Get /api/v0/eventprocessing/matching-rule | Retrieve the list of all the MatchingRules or get a MatchingRule by its name |
EventProcessingMatchingApi | PostUsingPOST15 | Post /api/v0/eventprocessing/matching-rule | Create a MatchingRule |
EventProcessingMatchingApi | TestUsingPOST4 | Post /api/v0/eventprocessing/matching-rule/test | Test a JsonLogic predicate with some data sample |
EventProcessingMatchingApi | UpdateUsingPUT9 | Put /api/v0/eventprocessing/matching-rule/{matchingRuleId} | Update a MatchingRule |
EventProcessingStateProcessingApi | DeleteUsingDELETE19 | Delete /api/v0/eventprocessing/stateprocessing-rule/{stateProcessingRuleId} | Delete a StateProcessingRule |
EventProcessingStateProcessingApi | GetUsingGET18 | Get /api/v0/eventprocessing/stateprocessing-rule/{stateProcessingRuleId} | Retrieve a StateProcessingRule |
EventProcessingStateProcessingApi | ListUsingGET21 | Get /api/v0/eventprocessing/stateprocessing-rule | Retrieve the list of all the StateProcessingRules or get a StateProcessingRule by its name |
EventProcessingStateProcessingApi | PostUsingPOST16 | Post /api/v0/eventprocessing/stateprocessing-rule | Create a StateProcessingRule |
EventProcessingStateProcessingApi | TestUsingPOST5 | Post /api/v0/eventprocessing/stateprocessing-rule/test | test a State Processing function |
EventProcessingStateProcessingApi | UpdateUsingPUT10 | Put /api/v0/eventprocessing/stateprocessing-rule/{stateProcessingRuleId} | Update a StateProcessingRule |
NotificationApi | SendMessageUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/contact | API to send message |
PartnerDataPushApi | DataPushUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/partners/data/streams | Push data |
PartnersManagementApi | AddOptionToTenantUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/partners/tenants/{tenantId}/options | Subscribe an option for a partner's tenant |
PartnersManagementApi | CreateTenantByPartnerUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/partners/tenants | Create a partner's tenant |
PartnersTokensManagementApi | CreatePartnerTokenUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/oauth2/token | Request a new Token |
TenantAccountsApi | GetMyTenantUsingGET | Get /api/v0/tenants/me | Get details of your account |
TriggersAndActionsApi | CreateUsingPOST2 | Post /api/v1/event2action/actionPolicies | Create an ActionPolicy |
TriggersAndActionsApi | DeleteUsingDELETE13 | Delete /api/v1/event2action/actionPolicies/{policyId} | Delete an ActionPolicy |
TriggersAndActionsApi | ListUsingGET15 | Get /api/v1/event2action/actionPolicies | List ActionPolicies |
TriggersAndActionsApi | RetrieveUsingGET2 | Get /api/v1/event2action/actionPolicies/{policyId} | Retrieve an ActionPolicy |
TriggersAndActionsApi | UpsertUsingPUT1 | Put /api/v1/event2action/actionPolicies/{policyId} | Create or update an ActionPolicy |
TriggersAndActionsTestApi | TestHttpPushUsingPOST1 | Post /api/v1/event2action/test/http-push | Post an http request for testing a webhook |
UserAuthenticationApi | AuthenticateUserUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/auth | Authenticate a user |
UserAuthenticationApi | CookiesDeleteUsingDELETE | Delete /api/v0/cookies | cookiesDelete |
UserAuthenticationApi | GetTenantIdUsingGET | Get /api/v0/whoami | Get your tenant id |
UserAuthenticationApi | LogoutUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/logout | Log out of the current session |
UserAuthenticationApi | ResetUserPasswordUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/resetpwd | Reset user's password |
UserAuthenticationApi | UpdateUserEmailWithTokenUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/updateEmail | Update user's email |
UserAuthenticationApi | UpdateUserPasswordWithTokenUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/setpwd | Update user's password |
UsersManagementApi | ActivateUserUsingPOST3 | Post /api/v0/users/activateUser | Activate a user in a tenant account |
UsersManagementApi | CreateUserAccountUsingPOST3 | Post /api/v0/users | Create a user |
UsersManagementApi | DeleteUserUsingDELETE3 | Delete /api/v0/users/{userId} | Delete a user in a tenant account |
UsersManagementApi | GetCurrentUserUsingGET | Get /api/v0/users/me | Get a "myself" user data of Tenant |
UsersManagementApi | GetUserPortalDataUsingGET | Get /api/v0/users/me/portaldata | Get the portal data of me |
UsersManagementApi | GetUserUsingGET3 | Get /api/v0/users/{userId} | Get details of a user in a tenant account |
UsersManagementApi | ListUsersUsingGET1 | Get /api/v0/users | List all users in a tenant account |
UsersManagementApi | UpdateUserPasswordUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/users/{userId}/password | Update user password |
UsersManagementApi | UpdateUserPasswordWithTokenWithoutCaptchaUsingPOST | Post /api/v0/users/activateTrial | Update user password with a token |
UsersManagementApi | UpdateUserPortalDataUsingPUT | Put /api/v0/users/me/portaldata | Update the portal data of me |
UsersManagementApi | UpdateUserUsingPOST1 | Post /api/v0/users/{userId} | Update a user |
- ActionPolicy
- ActionPolicyV0
- ActionTriggers
- ActionTriggersV0
- Actions
- ActivityRule
- ActivityState
- ActivityStateMuteRequest
- AddPartnerTenantRequest
- AdminInfo
- ApiKey
- ApiKeyCreationReqWeb
- ApiKeySetDebugModeReqWeb
- ApiKeyUpdateReqWeb
- Asset
- AssetAlias
- AssetCommandWeb
- AssetCreateReqWeb
- AssetParameter
- AssetParameterValue
- AssetParamsStatusUpdateReqWeb
- AssetResourceWeb
- AssetSetTargetResourceVersionReqWeb
- AssetUpdateReqWeb
- AuditLogMessage
- AuthReqWeb
- AuthResWeb
- AzureEventHubsAction
- BinaryPayloadDescription
- BinaryPayloadDescriptionTestRequest
- BusinessSettings
- BusinessUnit
- CaCertificate
- CaCertificateCreateReqWeb
- CaCertificateCreateResWeb
- Campaign
- CampaignDefinition
- CampaignList
- CampaignOperation
- CampaignOperationState
- CampaignOperationStateError
- CampaignOptions
- CampaignPerTarget
- CampaignPerTargetList
- CampaignPlanning
- CampaignStatsPerStatus
- CampaignUpdating
- ClientCertificatesConfiguration
- Command
- CommandAddRequest
- CommandHistory
- CommandPolicy
- CommandRequest
- CommandResponse
- CommandStatusFilter
- CommandStatusTrigger
- CommandV0
- ConnectorAccounting
- ConnectorNode
- ConnectorStatistics
- ConnectorStatusResponse
- ContactMessage
- ContextContainer
- ContextContainerList
- CreateFifoBindingRequest
- CsvColumn
- CsvOptions
- CsvPayloadDescription
- CsvPayloadDescriptionTestRequest
- DataBulkItemWeb
- DataMatchResult
- DataMatchTest
- DataMessageFilter
- DataMessageTrigger
- DataStoredWeb
- DataWeb
- DayMetrics
- DeferredListenableFutureResultDslSearchRequestResponseWithHitsOnlyResponseEntityobject
- DeferredListenableFutureResultstringstring
- DeferredResultVoid
- DeferredResultboolean
- Device
- DeviceActivityFilter
- DeviceActivityTrigger
- DeviceConfigWeb
- DeviceCreateRequest
- DeviceCreatedFilter
- DeviceCreatedTrigger
- DeviceDeletedFilter
- DeviceDeletedTrigger
- DeviceFirmwareVersionValueWeb
- DeviceFirmwareWeb
- DeviceGroup
- DeviceInterface
- DeviceParameterValue
- DeviceParameterValueWeb
- DeviceParameterWeb
- DeviceParametersSetRequest
- DeviceResourceVersionValueWeb
- DeviceResourceWeb
- DeviceSelector
- DeviceStatusFilter
- DeviceStatusTrigger
- DeviceStreamsResponseWeb
- DeviceUpdate
- DslSearchRequestResponseWithHitsOnly
- EmailAction
- ErrorResponseWeb
- ExternalIdentity
- FifoBinding
- FifoCreateReqWeb
- FifoPublishAction
- FifoTopic
- FiringGuard
- FiringGuardGetRequest
- FiringGuardResetRequest
- FiringRule
- FirmwareUpdateWeb
- GeozoneContainer
- GeozoneContainerBase
- Group
- GroupCreateRequest
- GroupPath
- GroupUpdateRequest
- GwConfig
- GwSystem
- HttpPushAction
- HttpPushTestResult
- HttpPushWebhookTest
- InterfaceCapabilities
- InterfaceCapability
- LWM2MDevice
- Location
- LoraCommand
- LoraCommandWeb
- LoraConnectivityOptions
- LoraConnectivityOptionsWeb
- LoraDevice
- LoraDeviceCreateReqWeb
- LoraDeviceLocation
- LoraDeviceStatsWeb
- LoraDeviceUpdateReqWeb
- LoraGatewayData
- LoraGatewayInfo
- LoraGatewayLocation
- LoraNetworkFilter
- LoraNetworkSubscriptionDetail
- LoraNetworkTrigger
- Lwm2mDevicePageWeb
- MatchingContext
- MatchingFiredFilter
- MatchingFiredTrigger
- MatchingRule
- MessageSelector
- MessageSelectorFilter
- Metadata
- MetadataResourceConnectors
- MonthMetrics
- Msisdns
- NewData
- NewDeviceInterface
- NewDeviceParameterValue
- OAuth2ErrorWeb
- OfferAndOptions
- OffersAndOptionsReqWeb
- OptionPartnerTenant
- PageableActionPolicyV0
- PageableApiKey
- PageableAsset
- PageableAssetResourceWeb
- PageableCampaign
- PageableCampaignPerTarget
- PageableCommandV0
- PageableFifoBinding
- PageableFifoTopic
- PageableGroup
- PageableLWM2MDevice
- PageableLoraCommand
- PageableLoraDevice
- PageableLoraGatewayInfo
- PageableResource
- PageableResourceUpdateWeb
- PageableResourceVersion
- PageableUser
- PartnerDataItemSwagger
- PartnerTenant
- PartnerToken
- PayloadDescription
- PayloadDescriptionMetadata
- PayloadDescriptionTestResult
- Pipeline
- PipelineFilter
- PipelineStep
- Polygon
- RateLimit
- ResetPasswordReqWeb
- Resource
- ResourceAddReqWeb
- ResourceUpdateReqWeb
- ResourceUpdateWeb
- ResourceVersion
- ResourceVersionAddReqWeb
- ResourceVersionUpdateReqWeb
- ResponseEntity
- Rule
- SMSAction
- SMSConnectorBusinessSettingsCreationReqWeb
- SMSConnectorBusinessSettingsDeleteMsisdnReqWeb
- SMSConnectorBusinessSettingsPageWeb
- SMSConnectorBusinessSettingsUpdateReqWeb
- SMSConnectorMsisdnPageWeb
- SMSConnectorSendSMSReqWeb
- SMSConnectorSettings
- ScopeApplication
- SearchDataMessage
- SelectionCriteria
- SendMessageRequest
- SettingsSection
- SilentPolicy
- SimpleStringWeb
- Source
- StateChangeFilter
- StateChangeTrigger
- StateProcessingFunctionTest
- StateProcessingFunctionTestResult
- StateProcessingRule
- StoredDataMessage
- Targets
- Tenant
- TenantDayMetrics
- TenantExternalView
- TenantMonthMetrics
- TenantSettings
- TenantSettingsUpdateReqWeb
- TenantStatsWeb
- TenantWithOfferWeb
- Thresholds
- Traffic
- UpdateConnectorNodeRequest
- UpdateDeviceFirmwareReqWeb
- UpdateDeviceResourceReqWeb
- UpdateEmailReqWeb
- UpdateInterfaceReqWeb
- UpdatePasswordReqWeb
- UpdatePasswordWithTokenReqWeb
- User
- UserActivationReqWeb
- UserCreationReqWeb
- UserUpdateReqWeb
- Vendor
Endpoints do not require authorization.
Due to the fact that model structure members are all pointers, this package contains a number of utility functions to easily obtain pointers to values of basic types. Each of these functions takes a value of the given basic type and returns a pointer to it: