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mowat27 edited this page Aug 20, 2012 · 3 revisions

This page describes the target authorisation model that governs access to other people's patient lists and tasks. It assumes you are familiar with the way doctors and teams are organised in an NHS hospital.

  • There are no restrictions on who can read other people's lists
  • It is important to be able to see who else is working with a patient, their grade and specialities and the tasks they have created
  • Other people's tasks must be read-only and clearly marked as being owned by someone else


  • If more than one doctor has a patient on their day-shift lists, should each one be able to set their own risks levels?
  • There is a potential problem where every doctor on a team will need to compile a list of their in-patients that is identical for everyone. Under the current, paper-based, system a junior member of the team will compile this list and give it to everyone on the team.
    • We need a way to replicate this.
    • We need to consider whether it would be OK for everyone on a team to be able to update their colleague's lists
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