This repository contains the code for the paper "Is Saliency Really Captured by Sensitivity?" by Nehal Yasin, Jonathan Hare, and Antonia Marcu. In this work, we created an artificial dataset and demonstrated through validation that current gradient-based methods for feature importance, which attribute feature sensitivity to saliency, may not accurately capture true importance. Through extensive experiments, we show that popular gradient-based attribution methods, such as gradient magnitude, gradient × input, and integrated gradients, do not consistently attribute the truly important features. The image below illustrates our dataset, methodologies, followed by implementation guide and results.
(a) A specially crafted single discriminative pixel is inserted to allow models to learn a shortcut. (b) An attribution method is used to predict the pixel most highly attributed to the model’s prediction. (c) Additive importance compares the difference in accuracy between keeping only the discriminative pixel and setting others to black, against keeping only the attributed pixel. (d) Subtractive importance sets the discriminative and additive pixels to black respectively whilst keeping the remaining pixels. The importance measures determine if the attributed pixel is more or less important than the discriminative pixel. A good attribution method should have an accuracy at least as high as the accuracy determined by the discriminative pixel.
pip install -r requirements.txt
The datasets.singlepixel.SinglePixelDataset
contains the dataset implementation
described in the paper
Make the output directory
mkdir outputs
To train a single model:
python --log-dir=outputs --data-dir=./data --size=32 --model=resnet18_3x3 --seed="$SEED" --data-seed="$DATASEED" --position-sd=$POS --colour-sd=$COL --max-epochs=200 --checkpoint-period=10 --dataset-class SinglePixelDataset
Repeat for a range of different models (COL
and POS
are the s.d. for the colour
and position of the discriminative pixel, SEED
controls model init randomness,
controls dataset randomness (and the pixel)). Other arguments should be
For each saved model run
with the path to the saved model - e.g.:
python output/resnet18_3x3-32-seed_0-dataseed_0-pos_sd_0.0-col_sd_0.0-momentum_0.9-wd_0-SinglePixelDataset
To create a single csv file from every model analysed:
awk '(NR == 1) || (FNR > 1)' outputs/*/attribution_results.csv > all_results.csv
Use the attribution_analysis.ipynb
notebook to load and filter the all_results.csv
contains the results for all the experiments systematically. Following table explains what each column represents.
Header | What it is about? |
overall.withpix_model_accuracy | Accuracy on the dataset with discriminative pixel added |
overall.attribution_correct_accuracy | Number of images the attribution method correctly predicted the discriminative pixel |
overall.nopix_model_accuracy | Accuracy of model on original data (without any discriminative pixel added) |
overall.truebg_withblackpix_model_accuracy | Accuracy of the model on images with true/original background by replacing the attributed pixel with a black pixel |
The following experiments are performed only for those images where attribution methods did not correctly identified the discriminative pixel as the attributed one | |
attribution_incorrect.nopix_model_accuracy | Accuracy of the model on original data without any discriminative pixel |
attribution_incorrect.withpix_model_accuracy | Accuracy of the model with the discriminative pixel added |
attribution_incorrect.blackbg_withpix_model_accuracy | Accuracy of the model on a completely black background with only discriminative pixel present |
attribution_incorrect.blackbg_withattrpix_model_accuracy | Accuracy of the model on a completely black background with only the attributed pixel present |
attribution_incorrect.truebg_withblackattrpix_model_accuracy | Accuracy of the model with original background but replacing the attributed pixel with a black pixel |
attribution_incorrect.truebg_withblackpix_model_accuracy | Accuracy of the model with original background but replacing the discriminative pixel with a black pixel |
attribution_incorrect.truebg_withblackattrpix_preserved_accuracy | The percentage of times the prediction doesn't change when setting the attributed pixel to black |
attribution_incorrect.truebg_withblackpix_preserved_accuracy | The percentage of times the prediction doesn't change when setting the discriminative pixel to black |