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Almarhoon Ibraheem edited this page Jun 24, 2024 · 4 revisions

While swayipc is thoroughly documented and user-friendly, it may not be the ideal choice for everyone. If your needs don’t include taking complete control over your Sway window manager, it’s probably best to stick with the standard Sway configuration files.

Why Guile?

As an Emacs user and former StumpWM user, I value the flexibility and scriptability provided by these environments. Guile, an implementation of the Scheme programming language, offers powerful scripting capabilities and is particularly well-suited for users who need to extend and customize their workflows beyond simple configuration parameters. Here are some key reasons for choosing Guile:

  • Lisp Syntax: Guile’s Lisp-like syntax is familiar to users of Emacs and StumpWM, making it a natural choice for scripting and customization.
  • Extensibility: Guile allows for the creation of complex and dynamic workflows that go beyond static configuration files.
  • Interactivity: The Guile REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) enables real-time interaction and debugging, making it easier to develop and test custom scripts.
  • Integration: Guile can seamlessly integrate with other tools and libraries, enabling the creation of sophisticated and efficient window management scripts.

Why Sway?

Transitioning from X11 to Wayland was inevitable, and Sway emerged as the most stable and feature-complete option among Wayland window managers. Here’s why Sway was chosen:

  • Stability: Sway is known for its stability and reliability, making it a solid foundation for daily use and extensive customization.
  • i3 Compatibility: Sway is a drop-in replacement for the i3 window manager, ensuring compatibility with existing i3 configurations and workflows.
  • Wayland Support: Sway fully supports Wayland, offering the benefits of modern display server protocols, including improved performance and security.
  • Community and Development: Sway has an active community and ongoing development, ensuring continuous improvements and support.

Limitations in Sway Configuration

While Sway offers a robust configuration system, it has certain limitations that can hinder advanced customization:

  • Static Configuration: Sway’s configuration files are static, meaning they are read and applied at startup. Dynamic changes or complex conditional configurations require restarting Sway.
  • Limited Scriptability: Sway’s scripting capabilities are limited compared to the extensive programmability offered by environments like Emacs or StumpWM.
  • Complex Workflows: Advanced workflows often require intricate setups that go beyond the basic keybindings and commands available in Sway’s configuration.

The Need for Scriptability

The level of workflow customization required by power users often exceeds what can be achieved with simple configuration parameters. Here are some scenarios where scriptability becomes essential:

  • Dynamic Workspaces: Creating and managing workspaces based on specific criteria or events requires dynamic scripting.
  • Custom Keybindings: Assigning complex keybinding sequences that execute multiple commands or scripts is difficult with static configurations.
  • Event Handling: Responding to various events (e.g., workspace changes, window focus changes) with custom actions necessitates a programmable interface.


The swayipc project addresses these limitations by providing a programmable interface for Sway using Guile. This combination leverages the strengths of both Sway and Guile, offering a powerful and flexible environment for users who need extensive customization and control over their window management experience. By integrating Guile scripting into Sway, we can create dynamic, responsive, and highly customized workflows that enhance productivity and user satisfaction.

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