This is a Netflix clone created using HTML and CSS. It aims to replicate the appearance and functionality of the Netflix website.
- Homepage: A landing page similar to Netflix's homepage, displaying featured movies and TV shows.
- Navigation Bar: Mimics the Netflix navigation bar, allowing users to browse different categories and access their account.
- Responsive Design: The clone is designed to be responsive, adapting to different screen sizes and devices.
- Movie/TV Show Thumbnails: Thumbnails of movies and TV shows with titles and brief descriptions.
- Interactive Elements: Buttons and links that simulate the interactive features of the original Netflix site.
- index.html: The main HTML file containing the structure of the Netflix clone.
- styles.css: The CSS file containing the styles and layout of the clone.
To use the Netflix clone, simply open the netflix.html
file in a web browser. You can navigate through the site using the provided links and buttons.
This clone was created as a learning exercise by Ebaad Raheem. It is not affiliated with Netflix in any way.
This project is for educational purposes only. It is not intended for commercial use or distribution.