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Doctrine Database Migrations


  • Single PHAR file for your projects
  • DiffCommand for migrations (if an Entity Manager is available)
  • Support for custom ArgvInput in CLI instance
  • Support for custom ConsoleOutput in CLI instance

Doctrine Migration Phar file

You can dowload latest version of doctrine-migrations.phar. If you'll build your own doctrine-migrations.phar see instruction below.

Installing Dependencies

You can install deps using [Composer] (

$   php composer.phar install

Building the PHAR

$   php package.php

It creates ./build/doctrine-migrations.phar

Creating archive disabled by INI setting

If you receive an error that looks like:

creating archive "build/doctrine-migrations.phar" disabled by INI setting

This can be fixed by setting the following in your php.ini:

phar.readonly = Off



Define how migrations will be stored and tracked within your database:

name: Doctrine Sandbox Migrations
migrations_namespace: DoctrineMigrations
table_name: doctrine_migration_versions
migrations_directory: /path/to/migrations/classes/DoctrineMigrations

By default Doctrine does not map the MySQL enum type to a Doctrine type. This is because Enums contain state (their allowed values) and Doctrine types don’t. You can register MySQL ENUMs to map to Doctrine strings. This way Doctrine always resolves ENUMs to Doctrine strings.

name: Doctrine Sandbox Migrations
migrations_namespace: DoctrineMigrations
table_name: doctrine_migration_versions
migrations_directory: /path/to/migrations/classes/DoctrineMigrations
    enum: string


Define how to connect to your database:

return array(
    'driver'    => 'pdo_mysql',
    'host'      => 'localhost',
    'user'      => 'migrations',
    'password'  => 'm1gr@t10n$',
    'dbname'    => 'doctrine_sandbox'

migrations-input.php (Optional)

Specify defaults or provide your own custom ArgvInput, should you so desire:

$input = new \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput;
... make some changes ...
return $input;

migrations-output.php (Optional)

If your database migrations contain HTML, you may run into issues with outputting the SQL to the console. This is because the ConsoleOutput class uses HTML-like tags for styling certain messages, such as errors, info messages, etc.

For HTML to render properly, you can customize the ConsoleOutput within this file as follows:

$output = new \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput;
$output->setStyle('p'); // Adds default styling to the 'p' tag, as to not throw a rendering exception

return $output;

Official Documentation

All available documentation can be found here.