Metacello new
baseline: 'DebuggerCommunication';
repository: 'github://dupriezt/DebuggerCommunication';
Code in server image (where the debugged execution actually runs):
dbg := SindarinDebugger debug: [ "Code to be debugged" ].
dbgServer := SindarinDebuggerServer newOnSindarinDebugger: dbg.
dbgServer startListeningOnPort: 1123.
Code in the client image (which remotely controls the debugger in the server image):
dbgp1 := SindarinDebuggerProxyClient newOnSindarinDebuggerClient: (SindarinDebuggerClient newOnPort: 1123).
Then you can send messages to dbgp1
in the client image, as if you were sending them to the sindarin debugger running in the server image.
To stop a server:
dbgServer stop