An AngularJS wrapper for the official PhoneGap/Cordova Facebook plugin, FacebookConnectPlugin.js.
Based on the awesome OpenFB micro-framework by Christophe Coenraets:
Unlike OpenFB, FacebookConnectPlugin.js makes use of the native Android/iOS Facebook API if available (and if you can get it working), degrading gracefully if not, i.e. when run in a browser.
You'll need to create a Cordova/PhoneGap project and install the FacebookConnectPlugin.js to get things working. Check out the example in the 'Develop' branch of the official Apache Cordova Facebook Plugin:
Similar to usage of OpenFB in Christophe Coenraets 'Sociogram' app:
However, since it uses a promise/deferred instance rather than the Angular $html service, you have to use then() rather than the success() and error() extensions.
FBC.get('/me/friends').then( function(result) { $scope.friends =; }, function(data) { alert(data.error); });