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  • (this file)

    • A strategy for reading tables nested in the NCBIQuery.txt file.
  • test.R

    • code to user our functions and check they work.
  • funs0.R

    • start of functions from
  • funs1.R

    • refinement of funs0.R
  • funs2.R

    • pretty good version that reads all the tables in the NCBI file
      • converts the cover variable from x% to a numeric vector of percentage values
  • funs3.R

    • attempt to make the functions read both header lines to get the full variable names, i.e., "Scientific Name" and "Common Name" rather than just "Name" and "Name"
    • this has problems/errors and we need to debug this.

    • process of debugging funs3.R to get to funs4.R
  • funs4.R

Strategy for Problem Solving

Interactively Developing the Code to Read a Table

Read the tables in the NCBI query results

2 steps

  • Find each table within the document
  • Read the contents of the table

Read entire document as character vector of lines

ll = readLines("NCBIQuery.txt")

Find the 'Query #'

starts0 = which(substring(ll, 1, 7) == "Query #")
starts = grep("Query #", ll)
ends0 = which(substring(ll, 1, 10) == "Alignments")
ends = grep("Alignments", ll)

First table

rows = starts[1]:ends[1]
tt = ll[ rows  ]

Examine result

  • Query #, blank line and 'Sequences producing significant alignments'
  • Trailing blank lines and Alignments:
rows = (starts[1]+3):(ends[1] - 1)
tt = ll[ rows  ] 

Remove blank lines

tt = tt[ tt != '' ]

Let's separate the header lines from the data lines for the moment and focus on the data part.

h = tt[2]
d = tt[-(1:2)]

This is fixed width format. We can use read.fwf(). We need

  • a file or a connection containing the contents to read
  • the widths of the columns, i.e., the differences between the start and end of each column.
colStarts = c(1, 67, 83, 99, 110, 117, 123, 129, 135, 142, 153)

We also need the end of the line

colStarts = c(colStarts, nchar(h))

What are the widths

widths = diff(colStarts)
con = textConnection(d)
tbl = read.fwf(con, widths = widths)
sapply(tbl, class)

Column names

To get the names. Since none of the column names contain spaces, we could split the header line by space and clean up the words

h = strsplit(tt[2], " ")[[1]]
h[ h != "" ]
names(tbl) = h

However, how can we be more general to handle cases with spaces in the column names?

We can read the first line as a fixed-width-format (FWF) file with one row and no header

h2 = read.fwf(textConnection(tt[2]), widths = diff(colStarts))
h3 = as.character(h2)

Need to remove the trailing white space:

h4 = trimws(h3)

Putting Code into Functions

We want to make a function to read the table as we have a second one in this file and many more from different query results.


for evolving versions of the code.

Computing the Column Starting Points

If we don't have regular expressions/pattern matching

  • manually
  • finding capital letters
    • then dealing with "cover"
  • Using both header lines
chars = strsplit(h, "")[[1]]
i = which(chars %in% LETTERS)
w = which(chars %in% letters)
st = chars[w - 1] == " "
colStarts2 = sort(c(i, w[st]))
colStarts2 = c(colStarts2, nchar(h))
all(colStarts ==  colStarts2)
cbind(colStarts, colStarts2)