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442 lines (379 loc) · 13.9 KB

File metadata and controls

442 lines (379 loc) · 13.9 KB


Start with funs3.R which is an adaptation of funs2.R to try to read the 2 lines of the header.

tbls = readNCBITables("NCBIQuery.txt")
Error in trimws(vars) : object 'vars' not found
In addition: Warning message:
In readTableData(dataLines, columnStarts) : NAs introduced by coercion

So both an error and a warning. Don't ignore warnings! Explore them and either fix them or rule them out as false positives.

First thing is to set

options(error = recover)

This will throw us into the debugger to explore the "call stack" when an error occurs. I set this in my .Rprofile so it is always on. If I don't want to debug, I have that option and can just exit the debugger.

With this set, we run the command again and now enter the debugger

tbls = readNCBITables("NCBIQuery.txt")
Error in is.factor(x) : object 'vars' not found
In addition: Warning message:
In readTableData(dataLines, columnStarts) : NAs introduced by coercion

Enter a frame number, or 0 to exit   

 1: readNCBITables("NCBIQuery.txt")
 2: funs3.R#54: mapply(readNCBITable, starts, ends, MoreArgs = list(l
 3: (function (start, end, lines) 
    txt = lines[(start + 3):(end -
 4: funs3.R#62: readTable(txt)
 5: funs3.R#43: trimws(vars)
 6: mysub(paste0(whitespace, "+$"), mysub(paste0("^", whitespace, "+"
 7: sub(re, "", x, perl = TRUE)
 8: is.factor(x)
 9: mysub(paste0("^", whitespace, "+"), x)
10: sub(re, "", x, perl = TRUE)
11: is.factor(x)

Read the error message. It says 'vars' not found. Slightly confusing where this actually occurred. This is because of R's lazy evaluation.

We see in item 5 trimws(vars). So jump to item 4 which generated that call to trimws(vars). This is the function readTable().

Sure enough, we changed the code and now have

    headers = lapply(txt[1:2], function(line)
        read.fwf(textConnection(line), widths = diff(columnStarts)))

    names(ans) = trimws(vars)

So we are referring to vars but now have the variable named headers. This comes from funs2.R. We need to finish off creating vars by combining the values from the two elements of headers.

So this was just an "unfinished code" problem.

What about the warning.

In readTableData(dataLines, columnStarts) : NAs introduced by coercion

Given the change I made, that might be related to the cover variable, i.e. the 7th variable since we don't have column names at this point.

I am going to escalate warnings to errors so we can explore this warning as an error

options(warn = 2)

Now we re-run the command

tbls = readNCBITables("NCBIQuery.txt")
Error in readTableData(dataLines, columnStarts) : 
  (converted from warning) NAs introduced by coercion

Enter a frame number, or 0 to exit   

1: readNCBITables("NCBIQuery.txt")
2: funs3.R#54: mapply(readNCBITable, starts, ends, MoreArgs = list(l
3: (function (start, end, lines) 
    txt = lines[(start + 3):(end -
4: funs3.R#62: readTable(txt)
5: funs3.R#38: readTableData(dataLines, columnStarts)
6: funs3.R#19: .signalSimpleWarning("NAs introduced by coercion", ba
7: withRestarts({
    .Internal(.signalCondition(simpleWarning(msg, c
8: withOneRestart(expr, restarts[[1]])
9: doWithOneRestart(return(expr), restart)


Let's jump to item 5 by entering 5 at the prompt.

We list the variables in this call frame

[1] "ans"          "columnStarts" "con"          "txt"         
[5] "w"            "widths"      

We can also see the body of the function with

    widths = diff(columnStarts)
    con = textConnection(txt)
    ans = read.fwf(con, widths = widths)
    w = sapply(ans, is.character)
    ans[w] = lapply(ans[w], trimws)
    ans[[7]] = as.numeric(substring(ans[[7]], 1, nchar(ans[[7]]) - 

Let's examine the 7th element of ans:

  [1] "pomis m" "pomis p" "pomis p" "pomis a" "pomis a" "pomis a"
  [7] "pomis g" "pomis g" "pomis g" "pomis g" "pomis g" "pomis h"
 [13] "pomis g" "pomis m" "pomis m" "pomis m" "pomis m" "pomis m"
 [19] "pomis m" "pomis m" "pomis m" "pomis m" "pomis m" "pomis m"
 [25] "pomis m" "pomis m" "pomis g" "pomis g" "pomis m" "pomis c"
 [31] "pomis c" "pomis c" "moxis n" "moxis n" "pomis m" "pomis g"
 [37] "cropter" "cropter" "cropter" "cropter" "cropter" "cropter"
 [43] "cropter" "moxis n" "moxis n" "moxis n" "moxis n" "pomis m"
 [49] "pomis c" "cropter" "soprist" "soprist" "stacemb" "pomis m"
 [55] "ctarius" "phaestu" "lakicht" "cropter" "stacemb" "lakicht"
 [61] "lakicht" "phaloph" "ynchope" "stacemb" "ynchope" "rapon t"
 [67] "rapon t" "rapon t" "rapon t" "rapon t" "rapon t" "rapon t"
 [73] "rapon t" "rapon t" "rapon t" "rapon t" "soprist" "ynchope"
 [79] "assoma"  "assoma"  "assoma"  "stacemb" "phaloph" "phaloph"
 [85] "phaloph" "uris ma" "stacemb" "ynchope" "ynchope" "stacemb"
 [91] "stacemb" "stacemb" "ynchope" "heostom" "heostom" "heostom"
 [97] "ynchope" "iopothe" "heostom" "heostom"

This is not what we expected. We have a problem.

Since I wrote this code, this was enough to make me realize what the problem was. Of course, it is not obvious. But let's look at columnStarts:

67  83 110 117 123 131 135 142 169

We note

  • there are only 9 values
  • the first doesn't start at 1

Our problem is that we are passing the two lines of the header of the table and computing the column from the first line of these headers. So these are the wrong values.

In readNCBITable, we can explicitly compute the column starts and pass them to readTable() with

 readTable(txt, columnStarts = findColumnStarts(txt[2]))

Let's see how this works.

source()  # what file did you make the changes to
tbls = readNCBITables("NCBIQuery.txt")

This doesn't generate the warning but stops with the error because of the use of vars.

Let's explictly stop in readTableData() to check the 7th column is what we expect. It seems to be, but let's make certain.

tbls = readNCBITables("NCBIQuery.txt")

We step through the commands in the body of the readTableData() function with n and we get to the line

ans[[7]] = as.numeric(substring(ans[[7]], 1, nchar(ans[[7]]) - 1))

Let's examine ans[[7]]:

  [1] "100%" "100%" "100%" "100%" "100%" "100%" "100%" "100%" "100%"
 [10] "100%" "100%" "98%"  "100%" "97%"  "97%"  "97%"  "97%"  "97%" 
 [19] "97%"  "97%"  "97%"  "97%"  "97%"  "97%"  "97%"  "97%"  "97%" 
 [28] "97%"  "97%"  "97%"  "97%"  "97%"  "98%"  "98%"  "98%"  "91%" 
 [37] "98%"  "98%"  "98%"  "98%"  "98%"  "98%"  "98%"  "98%"  "98%" 
 [46] "98%"  "98%"  "88%"  "88%"  "98%"  "100%" "100%" "99%"  "75%" 
 [55] "100%" "100%" "100%" "89%"  "96%"  "100%" "98%"  "99%"  "100%"
 [64] "99%"  "100%" "100%" "100%" "100%" "100%" "100%" "100%" "100%"
 [73] "100%" "100%" "100%" "100%" "100%" "100%" "96%"  "96%"  "96%" 
 [82] "99%"  "99%"  "99%"  "99%"  "97%"  "99%"  "100%" "100%" "99%" 
 [91] "99%"  "99%"  "100%" "97%"  "97%"  "97%"  "100%" "100%" "97%" 
[100] "97%" 

So we have what we want and we seem to have fixed that problem.

Now let's deal with the vars issue.

We can continue the computations and we get the error about vars. Let's jump to the call to readTable() - item 4

    dataLines = txt[-(1:2)]
    ans = readTableData(dataLines, columnStarts)
    headers = lapply(txt[1:2], function(line) read.fwf(textConnection(line), 
        widths = diff(columnStarts)))
    names(ans) = trimws(vars)

Let's examine the value of headers:

  V1               V2               V3 V4      V5     V6     V7
1 NA Scientific       Common           NA Max     Total  Query 
      V8      V9         V10 V11
1   E    Per.    Acc.         NA

1 Description                                                       
                V2               V3          V4      V5     V6     V7
1 Name             Name             Taxid       Score   Score  cover 
      V8      V9         V10              V11
1 Value  Ident   Len         Accession       

This is a little hard to see. Let's convert them to character vectors:

lapply(headers, as.character)
 [1] "NA"               "Scientific      " "Common          "
 [4] "NA"               "Max    "          "Total "          
 [7] "Query "           "  E   "           "Per.   "         
[10] "Acc.       "      "NA"              

 [1] "Description                                                       "
 [2] "Name            "                                                  
 [3] "Name            "                                                  
 [4] "Taxid      "                                                       
 [5] "Score  "                                                           
 [6] "Score "                                                            
 [7] "cover "                                                            
 [8] "Value "                                                            
 [9] "Ident  "                                                           
[10] "Len        "                                                       
[11] "Accession       "                                                  

These look sensible.

Another way to find this problem is to not modify readNCBITable() to pass columnStarts in the call to readTable(). We can then look at headers by adding a call to browser() just after we calculate headers. Before we do this, we have to stop converting a warning to an error

options(warn = 1)
tbls = readNCBITables("NCBIQuery.txt")

When we stop, we can examine headers (not header)

  V1 V2 V3 V4 V5   V6      V7                          V8
1 NA NA NA NA NA   Sc ientifi c      Common              

                V1 V2 V3 V4 V5   V6      V7
1 Description      NA NA NA NA   Na me     
1        Name            Taxi

Again, converting these to character vectors, helps us see the values

[1] "NA"                          "NA"                         
[3] "NA"                          "NA"                         
[5] "NA"                          "  Sc"                       
[7] "ientifi"                     "c      Common              "

[1] "Description     "            "NA"                         
[3] "NA"                          "NA"                         
[5] "NA"                          "  Na"                       
[7] "me     "                     "       Name            Taxi"

This is not what we expect and is a mess.

Now, let's revert readNCITable() to pass columnStarts in the call to readTable(). Again, we'll use browser() to stop in readTable() after we compute headers and then examine it.

lapply(headers, as.character)
 [1] "NA"               "Scientific      " "Common          "
 [4] "NA"               "Max    "          "Total "          
 [7] "Query "           "  E   "           "Per.   "         
[10] "Acc.       "      "NA"              

 [1] "Description                                                       "
 [2] "Name            "                                                  
 [3] "Name            "                                                  
 [4] "Taxid      "                                                       
 [5] "Score  "                                                           
 [6] "Score "                                                            
 [7] "cover "                                                            
 [8] "Value "                                                            
 [9] "Ident  "                                                           
[10] "Len        "                                                       
[11] "Accession       "                                                  

These now seem to be approximately correct.

It appears that we have "NA" for values in the first row of the header when there is no text.

We want to combine the values from the first row with those in the second row. Let's convert these "NA" to "" and then we can combine

tmp = lapply(headers, as.character)
w = tmp[[1]] == "NA"
tmp[[1]][w] = ""
h = paste(tmp[[1]], tmp[[2]], sep = " ")

When there is no value in the first row, we have an extra space in the name. So we can use trimws() to clean these up.

h = trimws(h)

So we change the code in readTable() to

    tmp = lapply(headers, as.character)
    w = tmp[[1]] == "NA"
    tmp[[1]][w] = ""
    vars = paste(tmp[[1]], tmp[[2]], sep = " ")
    names(ans) = trimws(vars)

We re-source() our functions and run

tbls = readNCBITables("NCBIQuery.txt")

There are no errors or warnings. Did this give us the correct results. We need to check the column names, but also the values to see if we messed these up.

 [1] "Description"           "Scientific       Name"
 [3] "Common           Name" "Taxid"                
 [5] "Max     Score"         "Total  Score"         
 [7] "Query  cover"          "E    Value"           
 [9] "Per.    Ident"         "Acc.        Len"      
[11] "Accession"            

We have too many spaces in the columns that have words across two lines of the headers.

We can fix these after creating them with regular expressions. However, we can also fix them as/before we create them.

Before we paste the values together, we can call trimws() on the elements of headers. Instead of

    tmp = lapply(headers, as.character)

in readTable(), we can use

  tmp = lapply(headers, function(x) trimws(as.character(x)))

Now we have

tbls = readNCBITables("NCBIQuery.txt")
 [1] "Description"     "Scientific Name" "Common Name"    
 [4] "Taxid"           "Max Score"       "Total Score"    
 [7] "Query cover"     "E Value"         "Per. Ident"     
[10] "Acc. Len"        "Accession"      

We seem to have fixed the problem.

We now need to re-run our unit-tests on the content of the data.frame's to verify the results are still correct.