This is the implementation of paper <Additive Margin Softmax for Face Verification>
Training logic is highly inspired by Sandberg's Facenet, check it if you are interested.
model structure can be found at ./models/ and loss head can be found at
See folder "align", this totally forked from insightface. The default image size is (112,96), in this repository, all trained faces share same size (112,96). Use align code to align your train data and validation data (like lfw) first. You can use to align both training set and lfw, don't worry about others like align_insight, align_dlib.
python --input-dir [train data dir] --output-dir [aligned output dir]
Read parse_arguments() function carefully to confiure parameters. If you are new in face recognition, after aligning dataset, simply run this code, the default settings will help you solve the rest.
python --data_dir [aligned train data] --random_flip --learning_rate -1 --learning_rate_schedule_file ./data/learning_rate_AM_softmax.txt --lfw_dir [aligned lfw data]
Also watch out that acc on lfw is not from cross validation. Read source code for more detail. Thanks Sandberg again for his extraordinary code.
It includes the experimental details of this repo. Welcome and share your precious advice!