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CVS to GIT migration

Tatiana Burek edited this page Nov 11, 2016 · 2 revisions

Steps to migrate METViewer from CVS to GITHub

  1. Download and install cvs2git package : cvs2git
  2. Get direct (filesystem) read-only access to a copy of the CVS repository
  3. Create directory <path> for blob and dump files and <temp_dir> for temp files
  4. Use cvs2git command to create blob and dump files with METVIewer tags:
    python cvs2git \
    --force-tag=mv_* --use-rcs --tmpdir=<temp_dir> \
    --blobfile=<path>/git-blob.dat --dumpfile=<path>/git-dump.dat \
    --username=<cvs_user_name> \
  5. Initialize a git repository:
    mkdir METViewer
    cd METViewer
    git init
  6. Load the dump files into the new git repository using git fast-import
    cat <path>/cvs2svn-tmp/git-blob.dat <path>/cvs2svn-tmp/git-dump.dat | git fast-import
  7. Run the contrib/ script from within the git repository.
  8. Explicitly check out the "master" version of the files into your working tree:
    git checkout
  9. Add origin
    git remote add origin
  10. Push the source tree into GitHub including tags:
    git push --tags -u origin master
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