Seme Framework PHP MVC Framework for creating small and medium app that needed for fast delivery. At first version of Seme Framework used for building API (Middle Ware) for another Application such as android, iOS, etc. And now as increasing of requirement, Seme Framework has expand the limit for creating Small and Medium App.
Read the official documentation at Now only available in English.
Latest version of Seme Framework is 4.0.3
Here is the changelog :
This framework suitable for Programmer that only know about Manual way of code. Not like this time, everything build up automatically through console. Seme Framework has taken different way of code, If you want build small app, why we need lots of library. Here is the key feature of Seme Framework:
- Small but not Tiny. Seme Framework growth on SME Industries with many requirement but can suppress the hosting price.
- Not Too serious. You can played with Seme Framework at your own logic. Its free and almost has no restriction to developing your solution.
- Admin Friendly. Seme Framework has re-routing feature for admin page, without refactoring the MVC.
- Theme Engine. Seme Framework has feature who can PUSH the content inside the layout view. Also support theming engine, if you want change the Style, you just clone the original one and modified safely.
To run the testing, please change to your framework working directory and then executed the command.
phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml --coverage-clover clover.xml --log-junit junit.xml --testsuite Dev
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Seme Framework licensed under MIT License 2.0