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This repo contains the dotfiles for my first rice setup on Arch-Linux.

Table of contents

  • wallpaper jpg file
  • fonts
  • i3 configuration file
  • kitty configuration file
  • polybar configuration files
  • compton.conf file


  • The icon fonts are required by polybar to work, otherwise you may get Dropping character errors from running polybar.

  • compton-tryone-git Required for the kawase blur effect. Arch users can install it from AUR tryone-fork of compton.

  • polybar-spotify-module Required by polybar to use the spotify module. Arch users can install it from AUR,link.

How to setup

Clone the repo first. After cloning, place all these files in your ~/.config folder with the following commands.

#clone the repo

#enter the directory
cd frost-lake-setup

#put fonts in the place you store fonts (you might want to put them in /usr/share/fonts/TTF instead)
cp fonts/* ~/.fonts/

#reload font-cache
fc-cache -v

#copy everything except the fonts to your .config folder (you might want to backup your existing config files in case things go awry)
rm -rf fonts/
cp -r * ~/.config/

Kitty config files

Copy the config files. Additional documentation for kitty customization..

You might want to change the color theme as per your wish. Simply change the values of the colors in theme.conf, or find a preset on the internet.

i3 config file

Contains the regular keybindings for i3wm. You will have to edit the file in order to make it work on your system. Alternatively, I recommend just copy pasting the autostart section to your own config file as some of those commands are needed to startup compton polybar etc.


The original polybar setup has been borrowed from this brilliant polybar-theme-repo. In case of errors, follow the instructions in the link step by step. There are other polybar-themes in the repo as well. I'm using theme-5.

I have configured some of the modules, tweaked the layout, and most notably installed the spotify module seperately.

For enabling the spotify module Original Documentation. If you encounter errors follow the instructions there properly

Once you have installed the polybar-spotify-module, you will have to start the spotify-listener service with

#start service
systemctl --user start spotify-listener.service

#to autostart the service on boot
systemctl --user enable spotify-listener.service

It is possible that the service will fail to load on startup if it tries to start before X begins it's session (requires the DBus service). In that case keep the service disabled and add a line to your WM autostart file to start the service on every boot. If you are using i3, add this line to your .config/i3/config file.

exec --no-startup-id systemctl --user start spotify-listener.service

Do not forget to install the polybar-spotify-module mentioned above if you want to use it

Most common sources of errors arise from missing fonts.

errors I came across in my installation:

  • if the battery module isn't working, try setting battery=BAT1 instead of BAT0.
  • A successful method of debugging that worked for me was, run the individual bar commands (top and bottom,found in in a terminal, and note the output. Polybar gives a very detailed output, and you will be able to figure out the issues by googling the error messages.

Tryone-compton setup

It is common to have picom already installed on your distro. If you want to achieve the blur effect on windows, install compton-tryone-git , on your system. You may need to remove picom as they interfere with each other (if you use an aur helper, it will automatically ask you to do so).

Then, copy and place the ./compton.conf file in your ~/.config folder, and the blur effect should take place (you will need to reboot/reload your WM). You can edit the file to decide which xwindows you want to blur, by default it blurs kitty and vscode. Change the opacity-rule entries in the format given,

# %n is the amount of opacity you want. 0 is maximum opacity and 100 is no opacity.
# %c is the class of the window. You can find class by typing 'xprop' in terminal and clicking on the window you want to find the class of.

opacity-rule = [ "%n:class_g = '%c'" ]


A rice setup for arch linux







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