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Proximilator Voice App

This is a voice application for Alexa to get information about proximity offices. 

It has been written in NodeJs and uses AWS services.


You need to have location permissions allowed on Alexa for the skill to work.

Folder Structure

|   index.js
|   package-lock.json
|   package.json
|       generic.js
|       GetAddressError.js
   |   officeAltitude.js
   |   officeConnect.js
   |   officeCount.js
   |   officeCountry.js
   |   officeDistance.js
   |   officeInfo.js
   |   userDistanceOffice.js
   |   userNearestOffice.js

BOT Scenarios

The chatbot supports these scenarios.

Scenario #1 : Nearest Office or Furthest Office

User wants to know how far he is from a Proximity Office. He can also ask how he is from a specific office. Or which office is the furthest away from him.

Example 1 :

User wants to know how close he is to a Proximity office.

--- This would trigger the intent UserNearestOffice

User: What is my proximity to Proximity?

Proximilator: You are [N] kilometers from [NEAREST OFFICE]. Would you like to know more about [NEAREST OFFICE]?

Example 2 :

User wants to know how close he is to a specific Proximity office.

--- This would trigger the intent UserDistanceOffice

User: How far am i from [OFFICE]?

Proximilator: You are [N] kilometers from [OFFICE]. Would you like to know more about [OFFICE]?

Example 3 :

User wants to know the furthest away office from him.

--- This would trigger the intent UserFurthestOffice

User: Which Proximity office is furthest away from me?

Proximilator: You are [N] kilometers from [FURTHEST OFFICE]. Would you like to know more about [FURTHEST OFFICE]?

You might have noticed that in all 3 examples, Proximilator will prompt you if you want to know more about the office. You can accept or deny.

  • Accepting will trigger the AMAZON.YesItent.
  • Denying will trigger the AMAZON.NoIntent.

Scenario #2 : Distance between Offices

User wants to know what is the distance between two Proximity offices.

Example 1:

how far is [OFFICE X] from [OFFICE Y] ?

 --- This would trigger `OfficeDistance` intent

User: how far is [OFFICE X] from [OFFICE Y]?  

Proximilator: [OFFICE X] is [N] kilometers from [OFFICE Y]

If the user did not provide a value for [OFFICE X] Or [OFFICE Y]. He will receive a prompt in order to satisfy the intent.

Example 2:

how far is [OFFICE X] from [NON-EXISTENT OFFICE]?

 --- This would trigger `OfficeDistance` intent

User: how far is [OFFICE X] from [NON-EXISTENT OFFICE]?  

Proximilator: [NON-EXISTENT OFFICE] does not exist. Please provide an existing office Name.

User: [OFFICE Y]

--- The flow then resumes

Proximilator: [OFFICE X] is [N] kilometers from [OFFICE Y]

Note: The user can provide both wrong values. And he will get reprompted until a correct value is not input.

Example 3:

how far is [OFFICE X] from [OFFICE X]?

 --- This would trigger `OfficeDistance` intent

User: how far is [OFFICE X] from [OFFICE X]?  

Proximilator: It is the same office. Please try asking again with a different office.

Scenario #3 : Office is present in a country

The user wants to know if there is an office in a country. If there is an office the details will be returned to him. Else suggest him the nearest office to him.

Example 1:

User asks if there is an office in a country and it is present.

 --- This would trigger `OfficeCountry` intent

User: Is there a Proximity office in [COUNTRY]?

Proximilator: Yes. [OFFICE] is Present. Would you like to know more about [OFFICE]?

Example 2:

User asks if there is an office in a country and it is not present.

--- This would trigger `OfficeCountry` intent

User: Is there a Proximity office in [COUNTRY]?

Proximilator: No office is found in [COUNTRY]. But there is an office nearby you, named [NEAREST OFFICE] and it is [N] km from you. Would you like to know more about [OFFICE]?

Incase the user did not provide a value for [COUNTRY]. He will be prompted to give a country.

You might have noticed that in all 2 examples, Proximilator will prompt you if you want to know more about the office. You can accept or deny.

  • Accepting will trigger the AMAZON.YesItent.
  • Denying will trigger the AMAZON.NoIntent.

Scenario #4 : Highest Altitude

The user wants to know the highest altitude office present.


User asks which office has the highest altitude

 --- This would trigger `OfficeAltitude` intent

User: Which office has the highest altitude?

Proximilator: [OFFICE] has the highest altitude at [N] meters above sea level. Would you like to know more about [OFFICE]?

Proximilator will prompt you if you want to know more about the office. You can accept or deny.

  • Accepting will trigger the AMAZON.YesItent.
  • Denying will trigger the AMAZON.NoIntent.

Scenario #5 : Office Count

The user wants to know how many offices are present.


 --- This would trigger `OfficeCount` intent

User: How many Proximity Offices are there?

Proximilator: There are [N] offices in the Proximity Global Network.

Scenario #6 : Office Information

The user wants to know information on a specific office.

Example 1:

 --- This would trigger `OfficeInfo` intent

User: Tell me more about [OFFICE]

Proximilator: [OFFICE] is ......

Example 2: User asks for an office which does not exist

 --- This would trigger `OfficeInfo` intent

User: Tell me more about [NON-EXISTENT OFFICE]

Proximilator: [NON-EXISTENT OFFICE] does not exist. Please provide an existing office Name.

User: [OFFICE]

--- The flow then resumes

Proximilator: [OFFICE] is ......

Scenario #7 : Office Connect

The user wants to connect to a specific office

Example 1:

 --- This would trigger `OfficeConnect` intent

User: Connect me with [OFFICE]

Proximilator: You can contact [OFFICE] at [CONTACT INFO].

Example 2: User asks for an office which does not exist

 --- This would trigger `OfficeConnect` intent

User: Connect me with [NON-EXISTENT OFFICE]

Proximilator: [NON-EXISTENT OFFICE] does not exist. Please provide an existing office Name.

User: [OFFICE]

--- The flow then resumes

Proximilator: You can contact [OFFICE] at [CONTACT INFO].

Code Highlights


The core folder, is where we keep all the native AMAZON itents.


The helpers folder, is there you have the generic.js. The generic.js file is for functions that can be used in any intents.


The messages and information, we are receiving it from a google spreadsheet.


Proximilator Voice App






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