Zark is a lisp dialect prototype to understand about how compilers work
Start the interpreter with npm start
(define factorial (lambda (n)
(define acc n)
(while (less-than n 2)
(set n (sub n 1))
(set acc (mul acc n))))
(factorial 6)
Zark supports numbers, strings and lists
; Define a value
(define name "Zark")
; Set a value
(set name "Lisp")
; Define a function
(define is-even? (lambda (a)
(even? a)))
; Declare a block of code
(do ...)
; Builtin function 'car' to get first element of list
(define odd-numbers (list 1 3 5 7 9))
(car odd-numbers) ; 1
; Explore src/evaluator.ts, src/env.ts to discover all available functions