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Vulnerability analysis of Bente B-517 RF security

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Bente B-517 RF Hacking

I analyzed RF signals from Bente B-517 and found that the product is vulnerable to a replay attack as well as a signal forgery. I also found a peculiarity on HS1527 OTP Encoder where the encoder did not provide enough security as described in the datasheet.

Product Description

Bente B-517 is a remote control switch that uses RF signals to control the receiver from within a range of 25 meters. 4 buttons (A, B, C, D) perform the following actions.

Button Action
A On
B Off
C Off after 18 seconds
D Toggle On and Off

Signal Capture

In order to capture the signal for analysis, we need to know the frequency it uses. By searching for signals in the range of [300 MHz, 400 MHz] with gnuradio and USRP-2901, I was able to locate the frequency 314 MHz that is used by Bente B-517. To ease the process of frequency scanning, I added the block Simple Squelch to mute all background noise and display only the target signal by setting a threshold on the signal magnitude.

With the frequency found, I captured signals at 314 MHz frequency with a bandwidth of 2 MHz. gain was also increased to 50 to better distinguish the signal from background noise.

Before moving on to signal analysis, I checked if Bente B-517 is vulnerable to a replay attack by transmitting the saved signal. When the captured signal of button D was replayed, LED light turned on and off repeatedly, showing that Bente B-517 is susceptible to a replay attack.

Signal Demodulation

Below are the captured signals from 10 button presses of button D shown in the Universal Radio Hacker (URH) interface.

By focusing on a single button press, I noticed that the same chunk of signals were being sent 3 ~ 5 times per button press. Also, signals seemed to consist of short and long signals, both having constant magnitude and signal length.

In order to determine the modulation used, I analyzed the waveform from the signal. Since frequency and phase did not seem to change, I ruled out Frequency-shift keying (FSK) and Phase-shift keying (PSK) as the modulation method. With further observation, I noticed that signals were represented with the presence or absence of a wave, indicating the use of On–off keying (OOK).

Since OOK is a form of Amplitude-shift keying (ASK) , I was able to demodulate the signal by setting Samples/Symbol to the length of a short signal and performing an ASK demodulation.

Signal Decoding

In order to find the encoding used by Bente B-517, I looked into the PCB to find that the board only used a single IC chip, HS1527, which seemed to be generating the signals. With a bit of searching, I was able to find a datasheet for HS1527 OTP Encoder that fortunately contained necessary information to decode the signal. First, by reading the output format below, I learned that the signal consists of a preamble, data from C0 to C19 and data from D0 to D3. I also realized that the premable consists of 31 symbols, and the rest 24 data of 4 symbols each, 1110 or 0111, based on whether the data is high or low.

Next, I found that D0 to D3 is mapped one-to-one to K0 to K3 which is buttons A to D.

Finally, for C0 to C19, there is a description from the datasheet that mentions,

HS1527 is OTP Encoder utilizing CMOS techonology process. HS1527 has a maximum of 20 bits providing up to 1 million codes. It can reduce any code collision and unauthorized code scanning possibilities.

Judging from the output format and the description, C0 to C19 seemed to be the 20 bits of data that provides 1 million codes (220 = 1048576 ≅ 10^6), although there were no information on how C0 to C19 were decided.

With enough information gathered, I was able to decode the signal by creating a custom decoding and applying it to the captured signal.

However, the result was not quite in line with the information from the datasheet. Although it properly processed the preamble on the first row, it listed 25 bits of data on the second row instead of 24. After some contemplation, I realized that the signals were being sent without any delays, and that the final bit 0 was in fact a preamble from the second signal instead of the 25th data from the first signal. Therefore, by excluding the preamble of the second signal, I was able to find the proper 24 bit data from the signal.

By repeating this process for all signals from buttons A to D, I was able to successfully extract the following data that can be used in forging the signal.

Button Data
A 010100101011100011001000
B 010100101011100011000100
C 010100101011100011000010
D 010100101011100011000001

Before moving on to signal forgery, there was something unusual about the signal that I noticed during the decoding process. When I first read the name HS1527 OTP Encoder, I thought the term OTP was used to describe One-time password, which lead me to believe that the bits from C0 to C19 would constantly change. However, when actually decoding the signal, I found that the first 20 bits are fixed at 01010010101110001100, meaning that they are not used as an One Time Password. One-time pad was ruled out for the same reason because one of the conditions for One Time Pad is that the encryption key must never be reused in whole or in part. If OTP stood for One Time Pad, it would use different keys every time, which would result in a different cipher every time. There is also the fact that One Time Pad does not share the key through transmission, but instead uses a pre-shared key. After searching for the different meanings of OTP, I found the term One Time Programmable which seemed to be the intended meaning of OTP for HS1527. If we interpret OTP as One Time Programmable, then bits from C0 to C19 would be unique keys programmed at the factory that's paired with a receiver so that only one transmitter can activate one receiver. This does seem to be what the datasheet is implying when it states

It can reduce any code collision and unauthorized code scanning possibilities.

However, as there are only 1 million possible unique keys, it is trivial to brute-force data from C0 to C19 and activate any receiver that uses HS1527. Since the wavelength of a symbol is 240 μs, transmitting a single singal would take around 30 ms. Therefore, transmitting 1 million signals would take 30 Ks which is roughly 8 hours. Even when considering worst case scenarios and delays between signals, it would take less than a day to brute-force and find unique keys for any devices that utilizes HS1527.

Signal Forgery

With signal analysis complete, I reconstructed signals from Bente B-517 using gnuradio once more. To do so, I first created a squared signal using the Vector Source block. This diagram performs the following operations:

  1. Convert the string 01010010101110001100, which represents the signal, into an array of integers.
  2. Map each elements from the vector source using a dictionary {0: 0b1000, 1: 0b1110},
    e.g., [0, 1] => [8, 14]
  3. Convert each element to 4 output bits,
    e.g., [8, 14] => [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0]
  4. Add preamble to all signals by repeating it at a cycle of 127 bits (31 bit preamble + 4 * 24 bit data) starting from offset 0.
  5. Convert unsigned char to float

Next, I upsampled the squared signal to match the original signal's symbol rate, 4.17 KHz. By analyzing the previously captured signal in a time domain, I found that the wavelength for a single symbol is 240 μs, which sets the symbol rate at 1 / 240 μs ≅ 4.17 KHz.

Using this knowledge, I added 2 new blocks to the previous diagram. Rational Resampler block resamples the input signal and Moving Average block computes a moving average of the input. These blocks can be combined to create a squared wave with desired sampling rate by setting the Interpolation factor from Rational Resampler and Length from Moving Average to samples / symbol. As I was planning on sending the forged signal using the same sample rate from the signal capture, samples / symbol was determined at samples / symbol = sample rate / symbol rate = 2 MHz / 4.17 KHz ≅ 479. The upsampled signal shows that its symbol indeed has a wavelength of 240 μs, identical to the original signal.

I then multiplied the result to a carrier wave with a frequency of 100 KHz to modulate the signal using an OOK technique. Frequency value of 100 KHz was calculated based on the wavelength of the original signal which is 10 μs, thus the frequency of 1 / 10 μs = 100 KHz.

By checking the output signal, I was able to confirm that the result is an OOK modulated signal with a symbol length of 240 μs and wavelength of 10 μs just as intended.

As the reconstruction of signal was successful, I tested transmitting the forged signal of button D to check if was functional. However, the receiver showed 2 different results based on the value of Repeat in the Vector Source block, and the signal failed to work as expected in both cases.

Repeat Result
No Did not toggle
Yes Toggled once

Looking at the result above, my first instinct was that the failure was due to a mixture of bad reception and lack of delay. From the sigal analysis, I showed that the same signal was sent 3 ~ 5 times per button press. If Bente B-517 was built under the assumption that it would have a bad reception rate, than it makes sense for the transmitter to send multiple signals to raise the probability of receiver properly receiving the signals sent. In this case, there must be a processing mechanism for the receiver in case the reception rate was better than expected. Because if it doesn't exist, then the receiver would process all incoming signals, causing it to toggle multiple times in a span of less than a 1 ms. If the receiver required a delay after successfully receiving a signal to prevent the processing of consecutive signals, than the receiver toggling only once as shown above makes sense as I did not put any delays in between the repeated signals. Based on these assumptions, I modified the diagram to create a delay between signals and tested transmitting them once again.

Unfortunately, no matter how much delay I set between the signals, receiver toggled only once. This time, I took a different approach and looked for the minimum number of signals required to trigger the receiver. By gradually reducing the number of signals from 5, I found that the receiver required at least 2 consecutive signals in order for it to toggle on and off. As the result was quite consistent, I realized that a single signal not being processed by the receiver was not due to a bad reception but instead due to an unknown processing mechanism of the receiver.

Number of Signals Result
5 Toggled once
4 Toggled once
3 Toggled once
2 Toggled once
1 Did not toggle

Next, I tested sending broken signals which had improper data on C0 to C19, to check if it had any affect on the outcome. Surprisingly, I discovered that when a broken signal is sent after a proper signal, it caused the receiver to toggle once just like when two proper signals were sent.

Signal Combination Result
proper signal + proper signal Toggled once
broken signal + proper signal Did not toggle
proper signal + broken signal Toggled once
broken signal + broken signal Did not toggle

Finally, since the format of the second signal did not seem to matter for the signal to function, I started reducing the number of bits sent by the second signal and recorded the results. It turned out that the receiver still functions even when the second signal is reduced to a single bit. At this point, I realized that the first bit from the second signal's preamble was acting as a postamble for the first signal. In other words, unlike what I previously thought, signal from Bente B-517 is 128 bits long consisting of 31 bit preamble, 96 bit data and 1 bit postamble.

With the problem solved, I created a Signal Formatter block that formats the signal with a specified preamble, postamble and delay. By replacing the Vector Insert block with the custom block and setting the variables based on the values found so far, I was able to reconstruct the signal and show that Bente B-517 is vulnerable to a signal forgery.


Vulnerability analysis of Bente B-517 RF security






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