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Running Node.js application over Wifi and share with your friends.

For previous mature version, please explore source code on kotlin branch and v0flutter branch.

Rewrite Progress

  • migrate kotlin service code
  • implement windows adapter for MethodChannel and EventChannel
  • rewrite new design UI in dart (basic flow)
  • polish new design UI in dart
  • implement linux adapter
  • implement macosx adapter
  • implement web+ios adapter

How to use

  • make sure your device can connect to Internet
    • choose application for downloading (e.g. file_transfer-1.0.0)
    • choose platform for downloading (e.g. node-v10.10.0)
  • application
    • click play button to start app via a wizard

Market Structure

   "version": "...",
   "platform-<os>-<arch>": "...", ...
   "platform-windows-x64": "e.g."

   "items": [
      "<name>-<version>", ...

   "items": [
      "<name>-<version>", ...

   "name": "e.g. node",
   "version": "e.g. v20.10.0",
   "source": "<url>, e.g.",
   "executable": ["<relative_executable_path>", "e.g. node-v20.11.0-win-x64\\node.exe"]

   "name": "e.g. file_transfer",
   "version": "e.g. 1.0",
   "source": "<url>, e.g.",
   "type": "web.server",
   "argRequire": [{ "help": "folder path", "default": "." }],
   "envRequire": [],
   "entryPoint": ["index.js"]

App examples:, includes file-viewer-uploader, nodepad, ...


This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.

A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:

For help getting started with Flutter development, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

NodeJS/Python binary for ARM


Java binary

write a shell script java and adb push java /sdcard


exec dalvikvm $@

create a new platform in NodeBase and download java wrapper from file:///sdcard/java

then write a command line tool to have a try. ref:

Golang binary
# download go source package and extract
cd src
GOOS=android GOARCH=arm64 ./bootstrap.bash

tar zcf go-android-arm64-bootstrap.tar.gz go-android-arm64-bootstrap
adb push go-android-arm64-bootstrap.tar.gz /sdcard/
# we suggest write a javascript script to set up golang environment on your Android
# to extract tar package to NodeBase app zone /data/user/0/
# e.g. /data/user/0/

write a shell script go and adb push go /sdcard


SELF=$(cd `dirname $0`; pwd)
mkdir -p ${CACHEBASE}/{cache,tmp,local}
export GOROOT=${BASE}
export GOPATH=${CACHEBASE}/golang/local
export GOCACHE=${CACHEBASE}/golang/cache
export GOTMPDIR=${CACHEBASE}/golang/tmp
export CGO_ENABLED=0
exec ${BASE}/bin/go run $@

create a new platform in NodeBase and download go wrapper from file:///sdcard/go;

then write a tiny server to have a try. ref: