Releases: dl-tg/scaffolder
Releases · dl-tg/scaffolder
- Support for variables in folder/file names. To reference a variable in a folder/file name, simply wrap it in double quotes like
"{var}": ...
- Major code refactor, some optimizations
If you have MacBook M1 or later, download scaffolder_macos_silicon
If you have an Intel-based MacBook, download scaffolder_macos_intel
- New flag introduced to allow you set yaml varibales which can be used when scaffolding your project. These variables would be replaced in-memory yaml file and produce the desired output
- Added a new flag
which is a boolean defaulting to false. It is used to save the custom path to config folder with yaml files, specified in --configDir flag, avoiding the need to specify the path each time. To reset, set --configDir to "". The custom path is saved to a text file, which is located in same directory as scaffolder executable, meaning you can edit the path without running the tool itself.
- Changed name of config folder: scaffolder-configs -> .scaffolder. It is a dotfile, meaning it's hidden by default, so you should either manipulate it using a terminal or toggle visiblity of hidden folders. Please rename the folder for compatiblity with this version
- new flag using which you can specify path to your custom config folder. Example below, it looks for the yaml config inside path specified in configdir which is .custom_configs folder in home directory (Unix)
scaffold --name test --yaml cpp --configdir "~/.custom_configs"
- If you want to get yaml in current directory, make sure it doesn't exist in .scaffolder and configdir is empty. The usage is same as normal.
- Better comments in the code
All your scaffolder YAML configs should be stored in scaffolder-configs folder in your home directory. (~/scaffolder-configs for Unix, %USERPROFILE%/scaffolder-configs for Windows). Make sure to create it and populate it with configs you need.