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KubePlus Platform Toolkit

KubePlus Platform Toolkit simplifies discovery and use of Kubernetes Operators and Custom Resources in a cluster.

Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs), popularly known as Operators, extend Kubernetes to run third-party software (database, queue, volume backup/restore, etc.) directly on Kubernetes. The Custom Resources introduced by an Operator essentially represent 'platform elements' as they encapsulate high-level workflow actions to be performed on the software which the Operator is managing. Entire platform stacks can be created by assembling multiple Custom Resources together (essentially, enabling platforms as code experience).

Read our blog post to know more about KubePlus Platform Toolkit.

Custom Resource Interoperability

The main challenge in this platform-as-code approach is the interoperability between Custom Resources from different Operators. Specifically, following three binding related issues arise:

a) Attribute-value based binding - What should be the values of Spec attributes of different Custom Resources?

b) Label-based binding - Are there Kubernetes's native resources corresponding to different Custom Resources to which labels need to be added in order for the Operators to function correctly? How to find such resources?

c) Annotation-based binding - Are there any specific annotations that need to be added on Custom or native Kubernetes resources for an Operator to function correctly?

KubePlus Platform Toolkit focuses on solving the interoperability challenge by standardizing on how Operator developers package information about their Custom Resources using Kubernetes-native mechanisms, and how Application developers can easily discover this information directly through kubectl.


KubePlus Platform Toolkit standardizes the process of defining static information about Custom Resources and discovering it, along with the runtime dynamic information, in Kubernetes-native manner. Static information consists of: a) how-to-use guides for Custom Resources, b) any code level assumptions made by an Operator towards handling a Custom Resource, c) OpenAPI Spec definitions for a Custom Resource. Runtime information consists of: a) identification of Kubernetes's native resources that are created as part of instantiating a Custom Resource instance, b) history of declarative actions performed on Custom Resource instances.

KubePlus Platform Toolkit uses annotations, ConfigMaps, and custom endpoints to enable the discovery process.

Platform-as-Code Annotations

KubePlus Platform toolkit defines following annotations, which need to be set on Custom Resource Definition (CRD) YAMLs.


The 'usage' annotation is used to define usage information for a Custom Resource.


The 'constants' annotation is used to define any code level assumptions made by an Operator.


The 'openapispec' annotation is used to define OpenAPI Spec for a Custom Resource.

The values for 'usage', 'constants', 'openapispec' annotations are names of ConfigMaps that store the corresponding data.


The 'composition' annotation is used to define Kubernetes's native resources that are created as part of instantiating a Custom Resource instance. KubePlus Platform toolkit uses the values in this annotation and OwnerReferences, to build dynamic composition tree of Kubernetes's native resources that are created as part of instantiating a Custom Resource instance.

As an example, annotations on Moodle Custom Resource Definition are shown below:

kind: CustomResourceDefinition
  name: moodles.moodlecontroller.kubeplus
    platform-as-code/usage: moodle-operator-usage.usage
    platform-as-code/constants: moodle-operator-implementation-details.implementation_choices
    platform-as-code/openapispec: moodle-openapispec.openapispec
    platform-as-code/composition: Deployment, Service, PersistentVolume, PersistentVolumeClaim, Secret, Ingress
  group: moodlecontroller.kubeplus
  version: v1
    kind: Moodle
    plural: moodles
  scope: Namespaced

This Moodle CRD is part of the Moodle Operator whose Helm chart is available here.

Platform-as-Code Endpoints

For kubectl-based discovery, KubePlus Platform toolkit exposes following endpoints - 'man', 'explain' and 'composition'.

These endpoints are implemented using Kubernetes's aggregated API Server.

$ kubectl get --raw "/apis/platform-as-code/v1/man?kind=Moodle"

The 'man' endpoint is used to find out 'man page' like information about Custom Resources. It essentially exposes the information packaged in 'usage' and 'constants' annotations.


$ kubectl get --raw "/apis/platform-as-code/v1/explain?kind=Moodle"  | python -m json.tool
$ kubectl get --raw "/apis/platform-as-code/v1/explain?kind=Moodle.MoodleSpec"  | python -m json.tool

The 'explain' endpoint is used to discover Spec of Custom Resources. It exposes the information packaged in 'openapispec' annotation.


$ kubectl get --raw "/apis/platform-as-code/v1/composition?kind=Moodle&instance=moodle1&namespace=namespace1" | python -mjson.tool

The 'composition' endpoint is used by Application developers for discovering the runtime composition tree of native Kubernetes resources that are created as part of provisioning a Custom Resource instance. It uses listing of native resources available in 'composition' annotation and Custom Resource OwnerReferences to build this tree.


Examples of possible future endpoints are: 'provenance', 'functions', and 'configurables'. We look forward to inputs from the community on what additional information on Custom Resources you would like to get from such endpoints.

Example of using KubePlus Platform Toolkit

As an example of how KubePlus Platform Toolkit is useful, you can check out Moodle Platform built from three Operators — Moodle, MySQL, and Volume backup/restore. The various Custom Resources available through these Operators are — Moodle, MysqlCluster, Restic, Recovery. KubePlus helps application developers discover following aspects of these Custom Resources:

  • Moodle Custom Resource YAML definition needs a specific value to bind to a MysqlCluster Custom Resource instance. Using the ‘man’ endpoint with Moodle and MysqlCluster Custom Resources as input helps here.
  • In order to take backup of Moodle volume, the Deployment object for that Moodle Custom Resource instance needs to be given some label and that label needs to be used in the Restic Custom Resource label selector. The ‘man’ endpoint with Moodle and Restic as inputs help here. Also, the ‘composition’ endpoint with Moodle instance as input is needed to be used.
  • The Moodle volume backup also needs name of the Volume that needs to be backed up. The ‘man’ endpoint with Moodle Custom Resource input helps here as it surfaces the volume name which is an implementation detail of the Moodle Operator.


1. Operator Developer

Operator developers add above mentioned annotations on their CRD definitions. They also create the ConfigMaps with the required content. We have also developed discoverability and interoperability guidelines to help with Operator development.

2. DevOps Engineer

DevOps Engineers/Cluster Administrators use standard tools such as 'kubectl' or 'helm' to deploy required Operators in a cluster. Additionally, they deploy KubePlus Platform Toolkit in their cluster to enable their Application developers discover and use various Custom Resources efficiently.

3. Application Developer

Application developers use Platform-as-Code endpoints to discover static and runtime information about Custom Resources in their cluster. Using this information they can then build their platform stacks composing various Custom Resources together.


KubePlus Platform toolkit in action.

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Available Operators

We are maintaining a repository of Operator helm charts in which Operator CRDs are annotated with Platform-as-Code annotations.


  1. Working with Operator developers to define Platform-as-Code annotations on their Operators.
  2. Automate the binding process between Custom Resources.
  3. Integrating Kubeprovenance functionality into KubePlus Platform toolkit.
  4. Improving operator-analysis to check conformance of Operators with guidelines.
  5. Tracking and visualizing entire platform stacks.


Follow contributing guidelines to submit suggestions, bug reports or feature requests.


Actively under development.


Platform-as-Code toolkit for Kubernetes







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