Releases: dgynn/tuttle
Releases · dgynn/tuttle
New ExecJS inspector
New Rack::Attack inspector
Improved ActiveRecord models inspector with associations and validations
Improved Rails Controllers link to matched routes (excluding wildcards and implicit renders)
Rails 5.1 support (drops Rails 4.0)
New I18n inspector
New Constants and Object extensions inspector
Improved Rails routes inspector to show route validity
Improved listing display formatting
Easier configuration with config.enable_profiling to load profiling middleware
Improved Asset Pipeline configuration inspector
Improved Rails Caching configuration inspector
Basic ActiveJob configuration inspector
Improved Rails general configuration options from Rails Guides
Syntax highlighting with highlight.js
Experimental inspector for Facter
Experimental profiler for Busted with additional DTrace inspections
Request profiling middleware for ruby-prof and memory_profiler
ActiveSupport inspection including Dependencies, TimeZones, and Deprecation
Load path inspection (Ruby and Active Support autoloading)
No longer requires asset pipeline
Experimental inspector for Rack MiniProfiler and ActiveModelSerializers
Experimental Rails5 support
Paperclip registry inspection
ActiveRecord schema cache and schema_cache.dump inspection
Configuration control of notification_tracking
Rails caching instrumentation
Improved initialization/configuration approach
Gem detection and reporting for HTTP clients and JSON libraries
Ruby GC tuning stats and advice
Experimental Postgres stored-procedure cache inspection
Tuttle::Engine will now auto-mount routes
Engine configurable via initializer
ActiveSupport cache configuration inspection
ActiveSupport inflectors inspection and simple testing
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